- Dietl
Dietl est un patronyme porté par plusieurs personnalités allemandes :
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Dietl est un patronyme porté par plusieurs personnalités allemandes :
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Dietl de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Dietl — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Annelies Dietl (* 1926), deutsche Religionspädagogin Cora Dietl (* 1967), deutsche Literaturhistorikerin und Professorin Eduard Dietl (1890–1944), deutscher Generaloberst Erhard Dietl (* 1953), deutscher… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dietl — may refer to: Eduard Dietl (1890 1944) a German general Jaroslav Dietl (1929 – 1985) a Czechoslovak scenarist of series. Józef Dietl (1804 1878) a mayor of Kraków (Cracow) This page or section lists people with the surname Dietl. If an … Wikipedia
Dietl — Dietl, Helmut, Regisseur, * Bad Wiessee 22. 6. 1944; dreht v. a. Fernsehfilme, so die Serien »Monaco Franze« (1982) und »Kir Royal« (1985), und die Filmkomödien »Schtonk« (1992), »Rossini« (1996) und »Late Show« (1999) … Universal-Lexikon
Dietl's crisis — Die·tl s crisis dēt əlz n an attack of violent pain in the kidney region accompanied by chills, nausea, vomiting, and collapse that is caused by the formation of kinks in the ureter and is usu. associated with a floating kidney Die·tl dēt əl… … Medical dictionary
Dietl crisis — Die·tl crisis (deґtəl) [Jуzef Dietl, Polish physician, 1804–1878] see under crisis … Medical dictionary
Dietl-Krisen — Di̲e̲tl Krisen [nach dem Krakauer Internisten Josef Dietl, 1804 1878] Mehrz.: veraltete Bezeichnung für Anfälle von Leibschmerzen, wie sie bei Wanderniere vorkommen … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Dietl, Major General Eduard — 1890–1944 Dietl was the German Commander of the 3rd Mountain Division which had orders to take Narvik and the northern area in the Norwegian Campaign. His troops were an elite group of ski troops, numbering 6000. In Operation Barbarossa he… … Who’s Who in World War Two
Dietl's crisis — acute obstruction of a kidney causing severe pain in the loins. The obstruction usually occurs at the junction of the renal pelvis and the ureter, causing the kidney to become distended with accumulated urine (see hydronephrosis). Sometimes the… … The new mediacal dictionary
dietl's crisis — ˈdēd.əlz noun Usage: usually capitalized D Etymology: after Joseph Dietl died 1874 Pol. physician : an attack of violent pain in the kidney region accompanied by chills, nausea, vomiting, and collapse that is caused by kinking of the ureter and… … Useful english dictionary
Dietl — Józef, Polish physician, 1804–1878. See D. crisis … Medical dictionary