


Page d'aide sur l'homonymie Cette page dhomonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
  • Actrices : film de 1996 de Ventura Pons.
  • Actrices : film de 2007 de Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi.
Ce document provient de « Actrices ».

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Actrius de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)

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  • Actrius — Infobox Film name = Actrius director = Ventura Pons writer = Ventura Pons Josep Maria Benet i Jornet starring = Núria Espert Rosa Maria Sardà Anna Lizaran Mercè Pons producer = Ventura Pons released = 1996 runtime = 90 minutes language = Catalan… …   Wikipedia

  • Actrices — Actrius Título Actrices Ficha técnica Dirección Ventura Pons Producción Ventura Pons Guion …   Wikipedia Español

  • Actrices (film, 1996) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Actrices. Actrices Données clés Titre original Actrius (catalan) Réalisation Ventura Pons Scénario …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Anna Lizaran — (born August 31, 1944 in Esparreguera, Catalonia) is a famous Catalan TV, cinema and theatre actress.Her father was a mechanic and her mother a dressmaker and she showed an enormous interest in theatre when she was a child.She studied theatre in… …   Wikipedia

  • Anna Lizaran — Anna Lizaran, née le 31 août 1944 à Esparreguera, est une actrice catalane de théâtre, cinéma et télévision. Fille d un mécanique et d une modiste, elle étudie l art dramatique dans le Centre d’Estudis Experimentals de Barcelone et… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Anna Lizaran — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Anna Lizaran (Esparraguera, Barcelona 31 de agosto de 1944) consagrada actriz española de teatro, cine y televisión. Hija de una modista y de un mecánico, demostró ya su afición por el teatro cuando era pequeña.… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Pons, Ventura — (1945 )    Very few filmmakers in the world today can boast an output as steady and wide ranging as Ventura Pons. He has been making movies since 1978, but only hit his stride when he set up his own production company, Els films de la Rambla, in… …   Guide to cinema

  • Pons, Ventura — (1945 )    Very few filmmakers in the world today can boast an output as steady and wide ranging as Ventura Pons. He has been making movies since 1978, but only hit his stride when he set up his own production company, Els films de la Rambla, in… …   Historical dictionary of Spanish cinema

  • Actor (disambiguation) — An actor is a person who plays a role in theater, cinema or television.Actor can also mean: * Actants, also called actors, is, in actor network theory (a general theory of sociological behaviour), the one who performs the act. * In Interactions… …   Wikipedia

  • Ventura Pons — Sala (born July 25, 1945 in Barcelona, Catalonia) is a Catalan director. After a decade as a theatre director, Ventura Pons directed his first film in 1977, Ocaña, an Intermittent Portrait , which was officially selected by the 1978 Cannes Film… …   Wikipedia

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