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  • Achaeus — may refer to:* Achaeus, son of Xuthus, mythical founder of Achaean race * A king of Lydia who was hanged by his subjects for extortion, according to Ovid * Achaeus of Eretria, tragic poet who wrote forty five tragedies, some of whose titles are… …   Wikipedia

  • ACHAEUS — I. ACHAEUS Dux seu Praetor Seleuci, Antiochi filii, quem ultus, regnum invasit, ab Antiocho occisus. Polyaen l. 4. II. ACHAEUS Eretrius Poeta tragicus, Paulo iunior Sophocle. floruit Olymp. 82. Pythodori, et Pythoridis fil. qui cum 43. vel… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Achaeus (general) — Achaeus (Greek: Polytonic|Aχαιός; died 213 BC) was a general and later a separatist ruler of part of the Greek Seleucid kingdom. He was the son of Andromachus; the latter was brother of Laodice, the wife of Seleucus Callinicus and the mother of… …   Wikipedia

  • Achaeus of Eretria — (Greek: Aχαιός; born 484 BC in Euboea) was a Greek playwright author of tragedies and satyr plays, variously said to have written 24, 30, or 44 plays, of which 19 titles are known, some of which include Adrastus , Linus , Cycnus , Eumenides ,… …   Wikipedia

  • Achaeus of Syracuse — (Greek: Aχαιός; lived 4th century BC) was an ancient Greek tragedian native of Syracuse. The Suda ascribes to him 10 plays, while the Pseudo Eudocia 14. He may be the Achaios who won a victory at Athens Lenaia festival in 356 BC.References* [http …   Wikipedia

  • Achaeus (son of Xuthus) — Achaeus (Greek: polytonic|Ἀχαιός) was, according to nearly all traditions, a son of Xuthus and Creusa, and conse­quently a brother of Ion and grandson of Hellen. The Achaeans regarded him as the author of their race, and derived from him their… …   Wikipedia

  • SOCRATES Achaeus — in expeditione Cyri, contra fratrem, Achaeorum Dux. Captus perfide a Tissapherne. Polyaen. l. 7. c. 18 …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • АХЕЙ —    • Achaeus,          Άχαιός,        1. сын Ксуфа и Креусы (см. Achaei, Ахейцы и Ξου̃θος);        2. А. Эретрийский, трагический поэт, по свидетельству Свиды, сын Пифодорида, родившийся около 74 ол., а с 83 ол. бывший соперником Еврипида;… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Andromachus — For the ruler of ancient Tauromenium, in Sicily, see Andromachus (ruler of Tauromenium) Andromachus (in Greek Aνδρoμαχoς; lived 3rd century BC) was son of Achaeus and a grandson of Seleucus Nicator, the founder of the Seleucid Empire. He was the… …   Wikipedia

  • Attalus I — ( el. polytonic|Ἄτταλος), surnamed Soter ( el. polytonic|Σωτὴρ, Savior ; 269 BC ndash; 197 BC) [Livy, [ 33.21–22] , says that Attalus died in the consulship of Cornelius and Minucius (197 BC) at… …   Wikipedia

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