- Clinker
Le clinker est un constituant du ciment artificiel, qui résulte de la cuisson d'un mélange composé d'environ 75 % de calcaire et de 25 % de silice : la « farine » ou le « cru ». Cette cuisson, la clinkerisation, se fait à une température d'environ 1450 °C.
Le clinker se présente sous la forme de nodules durs et cristallisés, de teinte gris foncé pour les ciments habituels et verte pour le clinker de ciment blanc.
La composition des clinkers gris est représentée par quatre grandes phases cristallines caractéristiques de la chimie du ciment. Elles sont en moyenne les suivantes:
- Ca3Si: Silicate tricalcique (SiO2 – 3 CaO) : 50 à 65% (Alite)
- Ca2Si: Silicate bicalcique (SiO2 – 2 CaO) : 15 à 20% (Belite)
- Ca3Al: Aluminate tricalcique (Al2O3 – 3CaO) : 5 à 15% (Aluminate)
- Ca4AlFe: Ferro-aluminate tétracalcique (Al2O3 Fe2O3 – 4 CaO) : 5 à 10% (Ferrite)
La composition minéralogique du clinker obtenu après cuisson des matières crues est fonction de la composition du mélange, de la température, du combustible utilisé, du temps de cuisson et des conditions de refroidissement (trempe à l’air).
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Clinker — may refer to: Clinker (boat building), construction method for wooden boats Clinker (waste), waste from industrial processes Clinker (cement), a kilned then quenched cement product Clinker brick, rough dark coloured bricks Clinker Peak, a… … Wikipedia
clinker — ● clinker nom masculin (anglais clinker, scories) Produit de la cuisson des constituants principaux du ciment, à la sortie du four, mais avant broyage. Brique vitrifiée utilisée pour les carrelages. ● clinker (expressions) nom masculin (anglais… … Encyclopédie Universelle
clinker — CLÍNKER s.n. (Jaz) Notă plasată greşit sau intonată fals. [< engl. clinker]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 19.12.2004. Sursa: DN CLÍNKER s. n. (jaz) notă plasată greşit sau intonată fals. (< engl. clinker) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa … Dicționar Român
Clinker — Clink er (kl[i^][ng]k [ e]r), n. [From clink; cf. D. clinker a brick which is so hard that it makes a sonorous sound, from clinken to clink. Cf. {Clinkstone}.] 1. A mass composed of several bricks run together by the action of the fire in the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
clinker — (n.) 1769, from klincard (1640s), a type of paving brick made in Holland, from Du. klinkaerd, from klinken to ring (as it does when struck), of imitative origin. The meaning stupid mistake is first recorded 1950 in American English; originally… … Etymology dictionary
clinker — ► NOUN 1) the stony residue from burnt coal or from a furnace. 2) a brick with a vitrified surface. ORIGIN from Dutch klinken to clink … English terms dictionary
clinker — [kliŋk′ər] n. [Du klinker, vitrified brick that clinks when struck < klinckaerd < klinken, to ring] 1. Archaic a very hard brick 2. a hard mass of fused stony matter formed in a furnace, as from impurities in the coal 3. Slang a) a mistake… … English World dictionary
clinker — 1. n. a mistake; (in music) a mis played note. □ That was a bad clinker in the middle of the soft passage. □ Look at the score, man! That series of clinkers just isn’t there. 2. n. a worthless person or thing. (From the term for a cinder.) □ This … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
clinker — noun 1 (C, U) the hard material like rocks which is left after coal has been burnt 2 (singular) AmE a bad note in a musical performance: The singer hit a real clinker. 3 (singular) AmE old fashioned something or someone that is a total failure:… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
clinker — I. /ˈklɪŋkə / (say klingkuh) noun 1. a. a hard brick, used for paving, etc. b. an overburnt face brick. 2. a partially vitrified mass of brick. 3. the scale of oxide formed on iron during forging. 4. a mass of incombustible matter fused together …