Citizen K
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Citizen V — Citizen V, is the codename of several fictional superheroes in the Marvel Comics universe. The original Citizen V was an obscure hero from the Golden Age of Comic Books, but the character s identity was revived in the modern day in the pages of… … Wikipedia
citizen — cit·i·zen n [Anglo French citezein, alteration of Old French citeien, from cité city] 1: a native or naturalized individual who owes allegiance to a government (as of a state or nation) and is entitled to the enjoyment of governmental protection… … Law dictionary
Citizen — Holdings Co., Ltd. Тип … Википедия
Citizen AA — Citizen Full name Citizen Football Club Nickname(s) Flat Bags Founded 1968 … Wikipedia
Citizen — (von engl. citizen, lat. civis, „Bürger“) steht für: einen japanischen Uhren und Uhrwerkehersteller, siehe Citizen Watch einen japanischen Hersteller im Bereich Mikrotechnologie (Uhren, Elektronische Bauteile, Elektronische Produkte,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
citizen — 1 *inhabitant, resident, denizen Contrasted words: *stranger, outsider 2 Citizen, subject, national are comparable when denoting a person who is regarded as a member of a sovereign state, entitled to its protection, and subject to its laws.… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Citizen FM — (auch Citizen Radio) war ein kommerziell betriebener Hörfunksender im westafrikanischen Staat Gambia. Der Sender wurde 1996 von Baboucarr Gaye gegründet und sendete Nachrichten in verschiedenen Sprachen wie Mandinka und Wolof, die in Gambia und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Citizen AA — Voller Name The Citizen Athletic Association Ort Hong Kong Gegründet … Deutsch Wikipedia
Citizen — Cit i*zen, a. 1. Having the condition or qualities of a citizen, or of citizens; as, a citizen soldiery. [1913 Webster] 2. Of or pertaining to the inhabitants of a city; characteristic of citizens; effeminate; luxurious. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] I… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
citizen — [sit′ə zən, sit′əsən] n. [ME & Anglo Fr citizein, altered (? infl. by denizen) < OFr citeain < cité: see CITY; CITIZEN sense 3 infl. by use of Fr citoyen during the Fr Revolution] 1. Historical a native or inhabitant, esp. a freeman or… … English World dictionary
Citizen X — Directed by Chris Gerolmo Produced by Timothy Marx Robert Stone Webster Stone Written by Robert Cullen Chris Gerolmo Starring … Wikipedia