- Childs
Childs est le nom de famille de
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Childs — may refer to: Contents 1 Surname 2 Locations 3 Vessels 4 … Wikipedia
Childs — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Altiyan Childs (* 1975), australischer Rocksänger Bernard Childs (1910–1985), US amerikanischer Maler und Grafiker Billy Childs (* 1957), US amerikanischer Jazzpianist und Komponist Chris Childs (* 1967),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Childs — [tʃaɪldz], Lucinda, amerikanische Tänzerin und Choreographin, * New York 26. 6. 1940; nach ihrem Studium bei Merce Cunningham und Hanya Holm tanzte sie bei verschiedenen Kompanien, bevor sie 1970 ein eigenes Ensemble gründete. Stark von der… … Universal-Lexikon
Childs — This ancient surname recorded as Child, Childe, Childs, Childes, Cheeld, Chill and Chiles, is of Old English pre 7th Century origins. It derives from the word Cild , meaning child , and was used in a number of ways. In the Dark ages before the… … Surnames reference
Childs Restaurants — was one of the first national dining chains in the United States and Canada, having peaked in the 1920s and 1930s with about 125 locations in dozens of markets, serving over 50,000,000 meals a year, with over $37 million in assets at the time.… … Wikipedia
Childs-Irving Hydroelectric Facilities — U.S. National Register of Historic Places U.S. Historic District … Wikipedia
Childs v. Desormeaux — Supreme Court of Canada Hearing: January 18, 2006 Judgment: May 5, 2006 Full case name: Zoe Child … Wikipedia
Childs Frick — (1883 1965) was an American vertebrate paleontologist. He was a trustee of the American Museum of Natural History and a major benefactor of its Department of Paleontology, which in 1916 began a long partnership with him. He established its Frick… … Wikipedia
Childs Hill Park — is a public park in Childs Hill in the London Borough of Barnet. Together with the neighbouring Basing Hill Park, it is one of Barnet s Premier Parks .[1] It is a mainly grassed area with two tennis courts, a bowls club, a children s playground,… … Wikipedia
Childs (Surrey cricketer) — refers to a noted Surrey and All England cricketer of the 18th century. Personal details of Childs, including his first name, have not been found in surviving records. Childs was active when cricket s statistical record began in the 1772 season… … Wikipedia