


Page d'aide sur l'homonymie Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.

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Voir « chiffonnier » sur le Wiktionnaire.

  • Un chiffonnier est un meuble à tiroir.
  • Un chiffonnier était l'ancien métier d'une personne qui passait dans les villes et villages pour acheter des vieux chiffons, papiers, peaux de lapin, os, etc, pour les revendre à des entreprises de transformation.
  • Un chiffonnier est une personne ramassant les chiffons et bouts de tissu pour les revendre : voir l'article sur la récupération informelle des déchets
Ce document provient de « Chiffonnier ».

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Chiffonier de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)

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  • Chiffonier — Chif fo*nier , fem. Chiffo Chif fo niere i[ e]re , n. [F. chiffonnier, fem. chiffonni[ e]re, fr. chiffon rag, fr. chiffe a rag, flimsy cloth.] 1. One who gathers rags and odds and ends; a ragpicker. [1913 Webster] 2. A receptacle for rags or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • chiffonier — piece of furniture with drawers for women to put needlework, cloth, etc., 1806, from Fr. chiffonnier, a transferred use, lit. rag gatherer, from chiffon, dim. of chiffe rag, piece of cloth, scrap, flimsy stuff (see CHIFFON (Cf. chiffon)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • chiffonier — or chiffonnier [shif΄ə nir′] n. [Fr, chest of drawers, orig., ragpicker < CHIFFON] a narrow, high bureau or chest of drawers, often with a mirror …   English World dictionary

  • Chiffonier — A chiffonier A chiffonier (or cheffonier) is a piece of furniture differentiated from the sideboard by its smaller size and by the enclosure of the whole of the front by doors. Its name (which comes from the French for a rag gatherer ) suggests… …   Wikipedia

  • chiffonier — /ʃɪfəˈnɪə / (say shifuh near) noun 1. an elegant waist high cupboard with a sideboard top and usually a decorated backboard rising above it. 2. a high chest of drawers. 3. a low cupboard with shelves for books. Also, Rare, chiffonnier. {French… …  

  • chiffonier — noun Etymology: French chiffonnier, from chiffon Date: 1765 a high narrow chest of drawers …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • chiffonier — /shif euh near /, n. 1. a high chest of drawers or bureau, often having a mirror on top. 2. a low bookcase of the English Regency, with grille doors or doorless. 3. a shallow, tall, open piece of furniture, of the 18th century, having shelves for …   Universalium

  • chiffonier — noun A tall, elegant chest of drawers, often with a mirror attached. From the half open drawers of this chiffonnier hung laces, ribands, stockings, ladies underclothing and an abdominal brace, which gave the impression that the feminine finery… …   Wiktionary

  • Chiffonier — Chif|fo|ni|er 〈[ʃıfɔnje:] m. 6; veraltet〉 = Chiffonnier …   Universal-Lexikon

  • chiffonier — n. commode, high luxurious chest with drawers and a mirror on top; piece of tall furniture (of the 18th Century) that is not deep having shelves for displaying china …   English contemporary dictionary

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