- Chassepot
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Chassepot de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Chassepot — rifle with bayonet Type Bolt action rifle Place of origin … Wikipedia
chassepot — [ ʃaspo ] n. m. • 1866; nom de l inventeur ♦ Fusil de guerre à aiguille utilisé par l armée française de 1866 à 1874. ● chassepot nom masculin (de Chassepot, nom propre) Fusil à aiguille en service dans l armée française de 1867 à 1874. Synonyme… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Chassepot — modèle 1866 Fusil Chassepot Antoine Alphonse Chassepot (* 4. März 1833 in Mutzig, Frankreich; † … Deutsch Wikipedia
Chassepot — Chasse pot , n. [From the French inventor, A. A. Chassepot.] (Mil.) A kind of breechloading, center fire rifle, or improved needle gun. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chassepot — bolt action breechloading rifle used by French forces in the Franco Prussian War, 1870, named for French inventor Antonine Alphonse Chassepot (1833 1905) … Etymology dictionary
chassepot — [shas pō′] n. [after A. A. Chassepot (1833 1905), Fr inventor] a breech loading rifle used by the French army between 1866 and 1874 … English World dictionary
Chassepot — (spr. schass po), Antoine Alphonse, Erfinder, geb. 4. März 1833, legte als Beamter der Waffenfabrik St. Thomas in Paris, in der er vorher Arbeiter war, 1863 das Modell eines Hinterladegewehrs vor. Dieses, später nach Vorbild des Zündnadelgewehrs… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Chassepot — Chassepot, Antoine Alphonse … Enciclopedia Universal
chassepot — chas·se·pot s.m.inv. ES fr. {{wmetafile0}} TS arm. antico fucile a retrocarica, usato per la prima volta dai Francesi nella battaglia di Mentana contro i Garibaldini {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1892. ETIMO: da Chassepot, nome dell inventore A.A.… … Dizionario italiano
chassepot — noun Etymology: French, from Antoine A. Chassepot died 1905 French inventor Date: 1869 a bolt action rifle firing a paper cartridge … New Collegiate Dictionary