Cease And Desist
- Cease And Desist
Cease and desist
« Cease and desist » (cesser et renoncer) est un terme juridique anglo-saxon signifiant essentiellement stop. Il est employé pour demander à une personne ou une organisation de cesser de manière permanente de faire quelque chose (cesser de et renoncer à faire quelque chose).
Le terme est employé dans deux contextes différents :
- Un ordre « Cease and desist » peut être publié par un juge, avec une signification légale bien définie.
- Une lettre « Cease and desist » peut être envoyée par n'importe qui, bien que typiquement elle soit rédigée par un avocat.
Portail du droit
Catégories : Jargon juridique | Procédure civile
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Cease And Desist de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Cease and desist — « Cease and desist » (cesser et renoncer) est un terme juridique anglo saxon signifiant essentiellement stop. Il est employé pour demander à une personne ou une organisation de cesser de manière permanente de faire quelque chose (cesser … Wikipédia en Français
Cease and desist — A cease and desist is an order or request to halt an activity (cease) and not to take it up again later (desist) or else face legal action. The recipient of the cease and desist may be an individual or an organization. In the U.S. the term is… … Wikipedia
cease and desist — 1. verb To stop and to not resume an action. 2. noun A demanding that one cease and desist from continuing certain behavior, such as copyright infringement, trademark infringement, slander, or libel. a cease and desist letter; a cease and desist… … Wiktionary
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cease and desist order — n. An order by a court, agency, or judicial body telling someone to stop doing a particular activity, usually because the activity in question is illegal. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy… … Law dictionary
cease–and–desist order — see order 3b Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
cease and desist letter — A letter from an intellectual property owner that requests that alleged illegal activity, such as copyright infringement, be stopped immediately. Category: Patent, Copyright & Trademark → Copyright Law Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary. Gerald… … Law dictionary
cease and desist order — noun (law) a judicial remedy issued in order to prohibit a party from doing or continuing to do a certain activity injunction were formerly obtained by writ but now by a judicial order • Syn: ↑injunction, ↑enjoining, ↑enjoinment • Derivationally… … Useful english dictionary
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cease and desist order — An order of an administrative agency or court prohibiting a person or business firm from continuing a particular course of conduct, e.g. Fed. Trade Commission may order a business to cease and desist from misbranding or misadvertising its… … Black's law dictionary