- Castoria
Localisation de Kastoria en Grèce
Kastoria (en grec : Καστοριά, bulgare : Костур Kostur, turc : Kesriye) est une ville en Grèce du nord, dans la périphérie de la Macédoine-Occidentale. C'est le chef-lieu du nome de Kastoria et elle est située sur la côte occidentale du lac Orestiada à 40°31'00"N, 21°16'00"E.
Selon le dernier recensement (en 2001), Kastoria compte 16 218 habitants.
Kastoria est un centre religieux important pour l'église orthodoxe grecque et elle a un évêque et cinquante-quatre églises byzantines et médiévales. Kastoria a aussi un aéroport.
Personnalités de la ville
Lien externe
Portail de la Grèce
Catégorie : Ville de Grèce
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Castoria de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Castoria — • A titular see of Macedonia Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Castoria Castoria † … Catholic encyclopedia
Castoria — ist ein Titularbistum der römisch katholischen Kirche. Es geht auf das griechische Castoria zurück. Titularbischöfe von Castoria Nr. Name Amt von bis 1 Juan López Weihbischof in Coria (Spanien) … Deutsch Wikipedia
CASTORIA — urbs Episcopalis Macedoniae apud Lacum Lychnidum. Castoria castra Antonin … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Castoria (titular see) — Castoria is a Catholic titular see. The original diocese was in Macedonia. Livy [XXXI, XL.] mentions a town near a lake in Orestis, called Celetrum, whose inhabitants surrendered to Sulpitius during the Roman war against Philip V of Macedon (200… … Wikipedia
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The Centaur Company — founded in 1871, owned and marketed proprietary medicines, notably, the stimulant laxative Fletcher s Castoria and the ointment Centaur Liniment. The company is historically significant in that it was a driving force during the early development … Wikipedia
Charles Henry Fletcher — (aka Chas. H. Fletcher in company advertising) organized and led The Centaur Company, makers of the eponymous Fletcher s Castoria , serving as President and General Manager.[1] … Wikipedia
KASTORIA — (Castoria), town and area of Macedonia, Greece, W. of Salonika. There was a Jewish settlement in the Kastoria fortress town during the reign of Justinian (527–565). In the 11th century, the community was headed by Tobias b. Eliezer, the author of … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Patent medicine — E.W. Kemble s Death s Laboratory in Collier s in 1906 Patent medicine refers to medical compounds of questionable effectiveness sold under a variety of names and labels. The term patent medicine is somewhat of a misnomer because, in most cases,… … Wikipedia
Jumbo — The Elephant (1861 September 15, 1885) was a very large African bush elephant, born 1861 in French Sudan, imported to a Paris zoo, transferred to the London Zoo in 1865, and sold in 1882 to P. T. Barnum, for the circus. The giant elephant s name… … Wikipedia