- Carradine
Famille Carradine
Cette page explique l'histoire ou répertorie les différents membres de la famille Carradine. 
Les Carradine sont une famille d'acteurs américains dont font partie :
Catégories : Homonymie de patronyme | Famille célèbre
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Carradine de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Carradine — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: David Carradine (1936–2009), US amerikanischer Schauspieler Ever Carradine (* 1974), US amerikanische Schauspielerin John Carradine (1906–1988), US amerikanischer Schauspieler Keith Carradine (* 1949), US… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Carradine — • КА РАДАЙН, Каррадин (Carradine) амер. актёры 1) • Джон К. (наст. имя Ричмонд Рид) (р. 5.2.1906). С 1925 в т ре, в кино с 1930 (до 1934 снимался под именем Джон Питер Ричмонд). Специализировался на характерных ролях. Высокий рост, точёный… … Кино: Энциклопедический словарь
Carradine family — The Carradine family are the family of American actor John Carradine, who had five sons, four of whom became actors. The family includes: John Carradine (1906–1988), married four times including: (i) Ardanelle McCool (marriage 1935–1944) Bruce… … Wikipedia
CARRADINE, John — (1906–1988) Born Richmond Reed Carradine, this actor was called upon anytime, it seemed, that a casting director needed a tall, sophisticated gentleman with a voice befitting the dignity of an education. Probably his most famous role was that… … Westerns in Cinema
Carradine, John — ▪ American actor original name Richmond Reed Carradine born Feb. 5, 1906, New York, N.Y., U.S. died Nov. 27, 1988, Milan, Italy American actor with gaunt features and a stentorian voice who appeared in more than 200 films, often… … Universalium
Carradine, John — pseud. di Carradine, Richmond Reed … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Carradine, Richmond Reed — vero nome di Carradine, John … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Carradine, John — (1906 88) Hollywood actor in hundreds of films from the biggest to the cheapest from the 1930s through the 1990s. Brought to Mexico in 66 by Ismael Rodríguez for Autopsia de un fantasma; returned to shoot scenes for 4 Vergara productions in… … Biographical Dictionary of Mexican Film Performers
David Carradine — Not to be confused with David Cannadine. David Carradine … Wikipedia
David Carradine — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda David Carradine David Carradine en Münster (Alemania) en 2005. Nombre real John Arthur Carradine … Wikipedia Español