- Carapace
La carapace est une section dorsale d'exosquelette.
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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
carapace — [ karapas ] n. f. • 1688; esp. carapacho 1 ♦ Organe dur, formé de téguments épaissis, qui protège le corps de certains animaux. ⇒ exosquelette. Carapace cornée, calcaire, chitineuse (⇒ bouclier, 1. test) . Carapace des tortues, des crustacés, de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
carapace — CARAPÁCE, carapace, s.f. Înveliş osos, cornos sau calcaros care protejează corpul unor animale. – Din fr. carapace. Trimis de valeriu, 17.02.2005. Sursa: DEX 98 CARAPÁCE s. (anat.) ţest, (rar) capac, scafă, (reg.) troacă, (înv.) ţeastă.… … Dicționar Român
carapace — 1836, from Fr. carapace tortoise shell (18c.), from Port. carapaça, of uncertain origin, perhaps somehow from L. capa (see CAPE (Cf. cape) (1)) … Etymology dictionary
Carapace — Car a*pace (k[a^]r [.a]*p[=a]s), n. [F.] (Zo[ o]l.) The thick shell or shield which covers the back of the tortoise, or turtle, the crab, and other crustaceous animals. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
carapace — s.m. [dallo sp. carapacho (d origine incerta)]. (zool.) [copertura dorsale delle tartarughe e dei crostacei] ▶◀ corazza, piastra (ossea), scudo. ‖ guscio … Enciclopedia Italiana
carapace — ► NOUN ▪ the hard upper shell of a tortoise or crustacean. ORIGIN French, from Spanish carapacho … English terms dictionary
carapace — [kar′ə pās΄] n. [Fr < Sp carapacho] the horny, protective covering over all or part of the back of certain animals, as the upper shell of the turtle, armadillo, crab, etc … English World dictionary
Carapace — Diagram of a prawn, with the carapace highlighted in orange A carapace is a dorsal (upper) section of the exoskeleton or shell in a number of animal groups, including arthropods such as crustaceans and arachnids, as well as vertebrates such as… … Wikipedia
carapace — ( ) [Baba, 2005]. Entire animal, right appendages omitted, dorsal view, based on Munida. [Baba, 2005] ( ) [Baba, 2005]. Carapace, spines, based on Munida. [Baba, 2005] Head Shield cuticular structure arising from posterior margin of cephalon,… … Crustacea glossary
carapace — [[t]kæ̱rəpeɪs[/t]] carapaces 1) N COUNT A carapace is the protective shell on the back of some animals such as tortoises or crabs. [FORMAL] 2) N COUNT: usu with supp You can refer to an attitude that someone has in order to protect themselves as… … English dictionary