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CJD — can mean: Creutzfeldt Jakob disease, a rare disease of the brain caused by prions, related to bovine spongiform encephalopathy Chronological Julian Day, an alternate way of expressing the Julian Date Christliches Jugenddorfwerk Deutschlands, a… … Wikipedia
CJD — steht für: Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease, die Creutzfeldt Jakob Krankheit Christliches Jugenddorfwerk Deutschlands, ein Bildungsträger Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeic … Deutsch Wikipedia
CJD — [ˌsi: dʒeı ˈdi:] n [U] the abbreviation of Creutzfeldt Jakob disease … Dictionary of contemporary English
CJD — [ ,si dʒeı di ] noun uncount MAINLY BRITISH Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease: a serious disease that gradually destroys your brain cells and causes death. Some types may be caused by eating meat from cows that have the disease BSE … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
CJD — (Creutzfeldt Jakob disease) rare degenerative brain disease named after Hans G. Creutsfeldt and Alfons Jakob (disease is characterized by memory loss, jerky movements, stiff posture and seizures caused by a rapid loss of cerebral cells) … English contemporary dictionary
CJD — ► ABBREVIATION ▪ Creutzfeldt Jakob disease … English terms dictionary
CJD BS — Die CJD Jugenddorf Christophorusschule Braunschweig (voller Name: Christliches Jugenddorfwerk Deutschlands e.V., Jugenddorf Christophorusschule Braunschweig, Dr. Wilhelm Meyer Gymnasium) ist eine staatlich anerkannte private Ersatzschule in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
CJD — noun rare (usually fatal) brain disease (usually in middle age) caused by an unidentified slow virus; characterized by progressive dementia and gradual loss of muscle control • Syn: ↑Creutzfeldt Jakob disease, ↑Jakob Creutzfeldt disease •… … Useful english dictionary
CJD — [[t]si͟ː ʤeɪ di͟ː[/t]] N UNCOUNT CJD is an incurable brain disease that affects human beings and is believed to be caused by eating beef from cows with BSE. CJD is an abbreviation for Creutzfeld Jacob disease … English dictionary
CJD — Abbreviation for Creutzfeldt Jakob disease. * * * Creutzfeldt Jakob disease * * * CJD abbr Creutzfeldt Jakob disease * * * see Creutzfeldt Jakob disease * * * Creutzfeldt Jakob disease … Medical dictionary