
Page d'aide sur l'homonymie Cette page dhomonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.

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Brittany (plus rarement Britanny) est le nom donné en anglais à la Bretagne armoricaine.

  • C'est aussi un prénom féminin, en vogue vers la fin du XXe siècle aux USA semble-t-il, que l'on trouve sous différentes formes : Britnee, Britney, Brittney (près de 20 orthographes différentes répertoriées). Sont ainsi connues une chanteuse Britney Spears et une actrice américaines Brittany Murphy.
  • Il entre dans la composition du nom de la compagnie maritime bretonne Brittany Ferries.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Brittany de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)

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  • Brittany — ist ein weiblicher Vorname. Er kommt vom Englischen und ist benannt nach der Bretagne, einer Region im Nordwesten Frankreichs. Der Name wurde für bretonische Siedler verwendet, nachdem sie vor den Angelsachsen geflüchtet waren.[1] Er wird daneben …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • BRITTANY — (Fr. Bretagne), region and former province of western France and ancient independent duchy. Canon 12 of the ecclesiastical Council of Vannes in Brittany (465) forbade clerics to partake in meals with Jews. At about the same time, Nunechius,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Brittany —    Brittany as a French duchy was united with the crown under King charles v III (1491) through his marriage to anne of brittany and was annexed by King Francis i in 1532. The capital of Brittany is Rennes, and the province comprises the… …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

  • Brittany — Fr. Bretagne, named for 5c. refugees from the Anglo Saxon invasion of Britain who crossed the channel and settled there (see BRITAIN (Cf. Britain)). The Little Britain or Less Britain (lasse brutaine, c.1300) of old, contrasted with the Great… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Brittany — Brittany1 [brit′ n ē] n. a feminine name Brittany2 [brit′ n ē] metropolitan region of NW France, occupying a peninsula between the English Channel & the Bay of Biscay: 10,505 sq mi (27,208 sq km); pop. 2,796,000; chief city, Rennes …   English World dictionary

  • Brittany — Infobox Settlement name =Brittany official name = other name = native name = Breizh nickname = settlement type = total type = motto = imagesize = image caption = imagesize = image caption = flag size = image seal size = image shield = COA fr… …   Wikipedia

  • Brittany — /brit n ee/, n. a region in NW France, on a peninsula between the English Channel and the Bay of Biscay: a former duchy and province. French, Bretagne. * * * French Bretagne Peninsula that forms a historical and governmental region, northwestern… …   Universalium

  • Brittany —    As a potential ally with naval resources, and, after 1471, as the place of exile for Henry Tudor, earl of Richmond (see Henry VII, King of England), the last royal claimant of the house of LANCASTER, the French Duchy of Brittany played an… …   Encyclopedia of the Wars of the Roses

  • Brittany — I. noun (plural Brittanys; also Brittanies) Etymology: Brittany, region in France Date: 1967 any of a breed of medium sized pointers of French origin that resemble the spaniels in appearance called also Brittany spaniel II. geographical name or… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Brittany — Admin ASC 1 Code Orig. name Brittany Country and Admin Code FR.A2 FR …   World countries Adminstrative division ASC I-II

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