- Çameli
Çameli est une ville et un district de la province de Denizli dans la région égéenne en Turquie.
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Catégories : - Ville de Turquie
- Localité de la région égéenne
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Cameli — Çameli Hilfe zu Wappen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Çameli — is a wooded highland district of Denizli Province at the western end of the Taurus Mountains in Turkey.The highest peak in the district is Akdağ (3213 m). Summers are cool and winters are cold and wet. The area is under snow in winter. External… … Wikipedia
CAMELI — a populo cognomine dicti, apud Arabes trium generum; Clitellarii, crassi, proceri, oneribus ferendis aptissimi, hugiun Arabibus dicti, et Chaldaeis hogene, i. e. Εὐγενεῖς, qui mille libras gestant; Duplici gibbô rigentes, qui ad equitationem non… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Çameli — Vorlage:Infobox Ort in der Türkei/Wartung/Landkreis Çameli Hilfe zu Wappen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cameli — Like the flower Camellia , this very interesting surname has a Latin ancestry, although differing spelling forms are well recorded in most, if not all, European countries. The origination is from the Hebrew Gamal , through the Roman (Latin)… … Surnames reference
Cameli — Original name in latin ameli Name in other language Cameli, Cumayani, Cumayan Karaman, ameli State code TR Continent/City Europe/Istanbul longitude 37.07611 latitude 29.34472 altitude 1311 Population 0 Date 2013 08 06 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Çameli — is., öz. Denizli iline bağlı ilçelerden biri … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
Francesco Cameli — is an Italian record producer, managing director and owner of Sphere Studios in London, UK.Francesco was born in Italy, but lived most of his life in the UK. He originally studied bass at Berklee College of Music in Boston in the United States.… … Wikipedia
Akpınar (Çameli) — Akpınar Hilfe zu Wappen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Agriturismo Cameli — (Чертальдо,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Località Pino Gorgognano 451, 50052 Ч … Каталог отелей