

Vexillology est un album de Deadmau5, sorti en 2006.


No Titre Durée
1. 1981
2. Bounce
3. Drfunkenstein
4. Fustercluck
5. Lai
6. Orca
7. Plus
8. Apply Overnight
9. Tl7
10. Trepid

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Vexillology de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)

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  • Vexillology — is the scholarly study of flags. The word is a synthesis of the Latin word vexillum and the suffix – ology , meaning study of . The vexillum was a particular type of flag used by Roman legions during the classical era. Unlike most modern flags,… …   Wikipedia

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  • vexillology — ☆ vexillology [vek΄si lä′lə jē ] n. [< L vexillum (see VEXILLUM) + O + LOGY] the study of flags vexillologic [vek sil΄ə läj′ik] adj. vexillologist n …   English World dictionary

  • vexillology — noun /ˌvɛksɪˈlɒlədʒi,ˌvɛksəˈlɒlədʒi/ The study of flags Vexillology can help us to delve into national and global history. See Also: vexillographer, vexillologic, vexillological, vexillologist, vexillophile …   Wiktionary

  • vexillology — noun Etymology: Latin vexillum Date: 1959 the study of flags • vexillologic or vexillological adjective • vexillologist noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • vexillology — vexillogic /vek sil euh loj ik/, vexillological, adj. vexillologist, n. /vek seuh lol euh jee/, n. the study of flags. [1955 60; < L vexill(um) flag, VEXILLUM + O + LOGY] * * * …   Universalium

  • vexillology — study of flags Sciences and Studies …   Phrontistery dictionary

  • vexillology — n. study of flags …   English contemporary dictionary

  • vexillology —    The study of flags …   Glossary of Art Terms

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