- Binomial
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binomial — binomial, iale, iaux [ binɔmjal, jo ] adj. • mil. XVe; de binôme ♦ Math. Relatif au binôme. Coefficient binomial : coefficient de la formule du binôme de Newton. Loi binomiale : loi de statistique d un phénomène à deux événements complémentaires… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Binomial — Bi*no mi*al, a. 1. Consisting of two terms; pertaining to binomials; as, a binomial root. [1913 Webster] 2. (Nat. Hist.) Having two names; used of the system by which every animal and plant receives two names, the one indicating the genus, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Binomial — Bi*no mi*al, n. [L. bis twice + nomen name: cf. F. binome, LL. binomius (or fr. bi + Gr. ? distribution ?). Cf. {Monomial}.] (Alg.) An expression consisting of two terms connected by the sign plus (+) or minus ( ); as, a + b, or 7 3. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
binomial — Que contiene dos nombres o términos. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
binomial — distribution … Dictionary of sociology
Binomial — distribution … Dictionary of sociology
binomial — 1550s (n.); 1560s (adj.), from L.L. binomius having two personal names, a hybrid from bi (see BI (Cf. bi )) + nomius, from nomen (see NAME (Cf. name)). Taken up 16c. in the algebraic sense consisting of two terms … Etymology dictionary
binomial — ► NOUN 1) Mathematics an algebraic expression of the sum or the difference of two terms. 2) Biology the two part Latin name of a species (the genus followed by the species name). ► ADJECTIVE ▪ consisting of two terms. ORIGIN from Latin bi having… … English terms dictionary
binomial — [bī nō′mē əl] n. [< ModL binomium < LL binomius < L bi , BI 1 + Gr nomos, law (see NOMY) + AL] 1. a mathematical expression consisting of two terms connected by a plus or minus sign 2. a two word scientific name of a plant or animal,… … English World dictionary
Binomial — In elementary algebra, a binomial is a polynomial with two terms: the sum of two monomials. It is the simplest kind of polynomial except for a monomial.The binomial a^2 b^2 can be factored as the product of two other binomials:: a^2 b^2 = (a +… … Wikipedia
binomial — n. & adj. n. 1 an algebraic expression of the sum or the difference of two terms. 2 a two part name, esp. in taxonomy. adj. consisting of two terms. Phrases and idioms: binomial classification a system of classification using two terms, the first … Useful english dictionary