Think of U
- Think of U
Think of U est le 7esingle de la chanteuse Crystal Kay sorti sous le label Sony Music Entertainment Japan le 28 novembre 2001 au Japon. Il atteint la 60e place au classement de l'Oricon et reste classé deux semaines.
Think of U a été utilisé comme thème musical pour la publicité pour NTT DoCoMo Kyushu. Attitude a été utilisé comme 2nd thème d'ouverture pour l'anime PaRappa the Rapper. Les deux chansons se trouvent sur l'album Almost seventeen. Think of U est aussi présente sur les compilations CK5, Best of Crystal Kay et sur l'album de remix The Best Remixes of CK.
Liste des titres
Paroles |
Musique |
1. |
Think of U |
Crystal Kay et Nishio Saeko |
4:53 |
2. |
Attitude |
Kawamura Masumi |
3:14 |
3. |
Think of U (remix) |
Crystal Kay et Nishio Saeko |
4:39 |
Liens externes
Catégories : - Single musical sorti en 2001
- Chanson de Crystal Kay
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Think of U de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
think — think1 [thiŋk] vt. thought, thinking [< ME thenchen, to think, confused with thinchen, to seem < OE thencan < PGmc * thankjan, to think: for IE base see THANK] 1. to form or have in the mind; conceive [thinking good thoughts] 2. to hold… … English World dictionary
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think — ► VERB (past and past part. thought) 1) have a particular opinion, belief, or idea about someone or something. 2) direct one s mind towards someone or something; use one s mind actively to form connected ideas. 3) (think of/about) take into… … English terms dictionary
Think — Think, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Thought}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Thinking}.] [OE. thinken, properly, to seem, from AS. [thorn]yncean (cf. {Methinks}), but confounded with OE. thenken to think, fr. AS. [thorn]encean (imp. [thorn][=o]hte); akin to D. denken … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
think — UK US /θɪŋk/ verb [I or T] (thought, thought) ► to have a particular idea, belief or opinion: think (that) »Some analysts think that rates will continue to rise. »I think the figures speak for themselves. »Have you seen the new ad? What do you… … Financial and business terms
think — 1 Think, conceive, imagine, fancy, realize, envisage, envision are comparable when they mean to form an idea or notion of something in the mind. Think, the most general and least explicit word of this group, may imply nothing more than the… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Think — (englisch für denken) bezeichnet: Think (Band), eine US amerikanische Band Think Global AS, ein norwegisches Unternehmen, das das Elektroauto Think City herstellt Think, ein Top Ten Song von Aretha Franklin Think! ist eine Schuhmarke der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Think — «Think Ox», Женева, 2008 «… пространственная рама с двумя отсеками для батарей, … Для Женевы на нее поставили „однообъемник“. Существуют варианты „купе“ и „спорткар“.» [1] PIV3 … Википедия
THINK C — was an extension of ANSI C for Mac OS developed by THINK Technologies; although named Lightspeed C in the original mid 1986 release, it was later renamed Think C due to a lawsuit . THINK Technologies was later acquired by Symantec Corporation and … Wikipedia
THINK C — THINK C расширение ANSI C для Mac OS, разработанное компанией THINK Technologies. При первоначальном релизе в середине 1986 года называлось Lightspeed C, но позже было переименовано в THINK C. Позднее THINK Technologies была куплена… … Википедия