- Mironov
Cette page d’homonymie répertorie des personnes (
réelles ou fictives)
partageant un même patronyme.
Mironov (masculin ; Мирнов) ou Mironova (féminin ; Мирнова) est un patronyme russe porté par plusieurs personnalités (par ordre alphabétique) :
Catégories : - Homonymie de patronyme
- Patronyme russe
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Mironov de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Mironov — (Russian: Миронов), or Mironova (feminine; Миронова) is a Russian last name and may refer to: Mironov Alexander Mironov, Russian cyclist Alexandru Mironov (b. 1942), Romanian science fiction author, television personality and politician Andrei… … Wikipedia
Mironov, Nikolai Romanovich — (1913–1964) Mironov began his career in Smersh during World War II and served in the 1950s in Moscow and Leningrad as a senior counterintelligence officer. In 1959 Nikita Khrushchev selected Mironov to head the Administrative Organs Department … Historical dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence
Mironov, Sergey Mikhailovich — (1953– ) Politician. Currently the chairman of the Federation Council, Sergey Mironov established himself on the St. Petersburg political scene during the mid 1990s. In 2001, he gained a seat in the upper house of parliament representing the… … Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation
Mironov Letter — One of the most bizarre chapters of the espionage war between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the NKVD began in August 1943 with the posting of letters to Joseph Stalin and the FBI by Vasili Mironov, an NKVD lieutenant colonel… … Historical dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence
Mironov — Den Namen Mironow tragen folgende Personen: Alexander Mironow (*1984), russischer Radrennfahrer Andrei Alexandrowitsch Mironow (1941–1987), russischer Schauspieler Boris Olegowitsch Mironow (*1972), russischer Eishockeyspieler Dmitri Olegowitsch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sergueï Mironov — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Mironov. Sergueï Mironov Sergueï Mikhailovitch Mironov (russe : Сергей Михайлович Миронов, né l … Wikipédia en Français
Alexandru Mironov — (born January 27, 1942) is a Romanian science fiction writer, journalist, and left wing politician. A former member of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and Counsel for President Ion Iliescu, Mironov was Minister for Youth and Sport in 1993 1996 … Wikipedia
Serguei Mironov — Sergueï Mironov Sergueï Mikhailovitch Mironov [en cyrillique Сергей Михайлович Миронов] (né le 14 février 1953, à Pouchkine) est un homme politique russe, président du Conseil de la Fédération, la chambre haute du Parlement russe, depuis décembre … Wikipédia en Français
Andrei Mironov — Andrei Alexandrovich Mironov ( Андрей Александрович Миронов ; March 8 1941 – August 16 1987) was a much loved and respected Russian film actor who played lead roles in some of the most popular Soviet films, such as The Diamond Arm , Watch Out for … Wikipedia
Sergey Mironov — Sergey Mikhailovich Mironov ( ru. Сергéй Михáйлович Мирóнов) (born February 14, 1953), is a Russian statesman and the current Speaker of the Federation Council, the upper house of the Russian parliament. Sergey Mironov is from Saint Petersburg… … Wikipedia