- Mahmudiye
Mahmudiye est une ville et un district de la province d'Eskişehir dans la région de l'Anatolie centrale en Turquie.
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Catégories : - Ville de Turquie
- Localité de la région de l'Anatolie centrale
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Mahmudiye de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Mahmudiye — District Location of Mahmudiye within Turkey. Coordinates … Wikipedia
Mahmudiye — Original name in latin Mahmudiye Name in other language Mahmudiye State code TR Continent/City Europe/Istanbul longitude 39.49778 latitude 30.98722 altitude 887 Population 0 Date 2012 04 05 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
mahmudiye — is., esk., Ar. maḥmūdiyye Bugün süs altını gibi kullanılan, II. Mahmut zamanında basılmış, ince altın sikke Karısının altınlarını, kızının mahmudiyelerini neleri varsa hep aldılar. H. F. Ozansoy … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
Mahmudiye — is., öz. Eskişehir iline bağlı ilçelerden biri … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
MAHMUDİYE — Sultan 2. Mahmud adına yapılan ve kalyon büyüklüğünde olan eski bir harp gemisi. * Sultan 1. Mahmud zamanında basılan 23 ayar altın. * Sultan 2. Mahmud zamanında basılan ve yirmibeş gümüş kuruş değerinde olan ince altın sikke … Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük
Ottoman ship Mahmudiye — This article is about the Ottoman Navy ship of the line Mahmudiye. For the town in Turkey, see Mahmudiye. Ottoman Navy ship of the line Mahmudiye (1829) in Constantinople Career (Ottoman Empire) … Wikipedia
Ottoman imperial anthem — The Ottoman Empire used anthems since its foundation in the late 13th century, but did not use a specific royal or national anthem until the 19th century. During the reign of Sultan Mahmud II, when the military and imperial band were re organized … Wikipedia
mahmudea — MAHMUDEÁ, mahmudele, s.f. Monedă turcească de aur, care a circulat în trecut şi în ţările româneşti şi a cărei valoare a variat după epoci. – Din tc. mahmudiye. Trimis de ana zecheru, 02.04.2003. Sursa: DEX 98 mahmudeá s. f., art. mahmudeáua, g … Dicționar Român
Mahmud II — Mahmud II Ottoman Sultan Caliph … Wikipedia
List of Turkish battleships — This is a list of Turkish battleships.ail battleships (1600 1840)* Comte Maurice 50 sunk 1609 * ? 60? captured by Naples 1618 * ? c.50 (Algerian) scuttled 1624 * ? 40 (Tunisian?) captured by Malta 1628 * ? 50 sank 1630 * ? 50 * ? 46 * ? 54… … Wikipedia