- L'Indic
L'Indic est un film de Serge Leroy sorti en 1983.
Le film met en scène l'Inspecteur Bertrand, qui enquête sur les activités d'Ange Malaggione, un caïd qui est à la tête du clan des Corses. À l'enterrement d'un truand, il remarque la présence de Leonelli, bras droit de Malaggione, et décide de le filer. Bertrand fait bientôt la connaissance de Sylvia, l'épouse de Leonelli.
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Indic Computing — means computing in Indic i.e. Indian Scripts and Languages. It involves developing software in Indic Scripts/languages, Input methods, Localization of computer applications, web development, Database Management, OCR, Spell checkers, Speech to… … Wikipedia
indic — ÍNDIC, Ă, indici, ce, adj. (Rar) Indian2 (2). – Din lat. indicus. Trimis de valeriu, 21.07.2003. Sursa: DEX 98 ÍNDIC adj. v. indian. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime índic adj … Dicționar Român
Indic — can refer to: * Indo Aryan languages * Indic scripts * of or related to India (Indian); see Indica … Wikipedia
Indic — 1877, from L. Indicus or Gk. Indikos of India; see INDIA (Cf. India) … Etymology dictionary
Indic — [in′dik] adj. [L Indicus < Gr Indikos] 1. of India; Indian 2. INDO ARYAN n. INDO ARYAN (sense 1) … English World dictionary
indic — abbrev. 1. indicative 2. indicator … English World dictionary
indicə — z. Bu saat, bu dəqiqə, bu anda. İndicə getdi. İndicə gələr. İndicə yola saldım. – <Cəlal:> Yox, canım, – dedi, – kişinin babalın yumayın. İndicə küçədə rast gəldik. Ç.. Biçarə muzdurun damarları qurudu ki, indicə yaranalın buyuruğu ilə… … Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti
indic — indicateur, trice [ ɛ̃dikatɶr, tris ] n. et adj. • 1498; lat. indicator, de indicare → indiquer 1 ♦ Personne qui dénonce un coupable, un suspect; personne qui se met à la solde de la police pour la renseigner. ⇒ délateur, dénonciateur,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Indic — adjective Date: 1877 1. of or relating to the subcontinent of India ; Indian 2. of, relating to, or constituting the Indo Aryan branch of the Indo European languages • Indic noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
Indic — /in dik/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to India; Indian. 2. of or pertaining to Indic; Indo Aryan. n. 3. a subgroup of the Indo Iranian branch of Indo European languages that includes Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, and many other languages of India … Universalium
Indic writing systems — Set of several dozen scripts used now or in the past to write many South and Southeast Asian languages. Aside from the Kharoshthi (Kharosthi) script, used с 4th century BC–3rd century AD, all extant writing of the region descends from the Brahmi… … Universalium