- Küre
Küre est une ville et un district de la province de Kastamonu dans la région de la mer Noire en Turquie.
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Cette section est vide,
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Catégories : - Ville de Turquie
- Localité de la région de la mer Noire
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Küre de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Kure — shi 呉市 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kure — can refer to:*KURE, a radio station in Ames, Iowa *Kure Software Koubou, Japanese video game development company *Kure, Hiroshima (呉), a city in Hiroshima prefecture, Japan **Kure Line, a rail line in the city **Kure Station, a railway station on … Wikipedia
Kure — shi (呉市) Base navale de Kure la nuit Administration Pays Japon Région Chūgoku Préfecture … Wikipédia en Français
Küre — Küre, chines. Stadt, s.v.w. Kuldscha … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Kure — Kure, Stadt auf Honshū, Japan, Präfektur Hiroshima, an der Inlandsee, 211 600 Einwohner; Werften, Stahlwerke, Maschinen , Elektrogerätebau, Papierindustrie; Hafen … Universal-Lexikon
Kure — [ko͞o′rā′] seaport in SW Honshu, Japan: pop. 217,000 … English World dictionary
KURE — Infobox Radio station name = KURE city = Ames, Iowa area = Ames, Iowa slogan = branding = Iowa State s Student Run Radio Station frequency = 88.5 MHz repeater = airdate = share = share as of = share source = format = power = erp = 630 watts haat … Wikipedia
küre — 1. is., mdn. Madenci ocağı, maden fırını 2. is., mat., Ar. kure 1) Bütün noktaları merkezden aynı uzaklıkta bulunan bir yüzeyle sınırlı cisim 2) Yeryüzü, dünya Ben de yıldızlar gibi, küre gibi, ben de yalnız ve herkese uzaktım. Y. K.… … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
Kure — 1 Original name in latin Kure Name in other language Kure, wu shi, Куре State code JP Continent/City Asia/Tokyo longitude 34.23333 latitude 132.56667 altitude 94 Population 196624 Date 2012 01 19 2 Original name in latin Kre Name in other… … Cities with a population over 1000 database
kure — ˈk(y)u̇rē, ˈkü(ˌ)rā adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: from Kure, city in southwest Honshu, Japan : of or from the city of Kure, Japan : of the kind or style prevalent in Kure … Useful english dictionary