Jolin's Final Wonderland
- Jolin's Final Wonderland
Jolin's Final Wonderland est la 4e compilation de la chanteuse Jolin Tsai, sortie sous le label Sony BMG le 19 septembre 2007 à Taïwan. Elle sort en format 3CD+DVD.
Liste des titres
1. |
J-Start Remix (Le Yuan+Kan Wo 72 Bian+Zhao Pai Dong Zuo+Ye Man You Xi) (樂園+看我72變+招牌動作+野蠻遊戲) |
6:38 |
2. |
Hot-J Remix (Ai Qing San Shi Liu Ji+Zheng yi zhi yan Bi yi zhi yan+Bu La Ge Guang Chang+ Love Love Love) (爱情三十六計+睜一隻眼閉一隻眼+布拉格廣場+Love Love Love) |
6:45 |
3. |
Kan Wo 72 Bian (看我72變, Magic) |
3:44 |
4. |
Zhao Pai Dong Zuo (招牌動作, Signature gesture) |
3:13 |
5. |
Ye Man You Xi (野蠻遊戲, J-Game) |
3:51 |
6. |
Ai Qing San Shi Liu Ji (爱情三十六計, Love's 36 Plans) |
3:36 |
7. |
Prove it |
3:38 |
8. |
Guai Mao (乖貓, Obedient Cat) |
3:34 |
9. |
Zheng yi zhi yan Bi yi zhi yan (睜一隻眼閉一隻眼, Overlooking Purposely) |
3:00 |
10. |
Zhui sha qiu bi te (追殺邱比特, Killing Cupid) |
3:23 |
11. |
Di Yi You Xi (第一優先, Priority) |
3:36 |
12. |
Bao Mi Hua De Wei Dao (爆米花的味道, Taste of Popcorn) |
4:19 |
13. |
Hao Dong Xi (好東西, Good Thing) |
3:12 |
1. |
Le Yuan (樂園) |
3:16 |
2. |
Qi Shi Jing Shen (騎士精神, Rider Spirit) |
4:19 |
3. |
Bu La Ge Guang Chang (布拉格廣場, Prague Square) |
4:53 |
4. |
Love Love Love |
3:49 |
5. |
Xu Yuan Chi De Xi La Shao Nu (許願池的希臘少女, Greek Girl by the Wishing Fountain) |
3:12 |
6. |
Hai Dao (海盜, Pirate) |
4:36 |
7. |
Du zhan shen hua (獨佔神話, Exclusive Myth) |
4:13 |
8. |
3:11 |
9. |
Shuo Ai Ni (說愛你, Say Love Me) |
3:45 |
10. |
Dan Shen Gong Hai (單身公害) |
3:47 |
11. |
Jiu Shi Ai (就是愛, That's Love) |
4:16 |
12. |
Yi Fu Zhan Xin Shu (衣服占心術) |
3:41 |
1. |
Tian Kong (天空, Sky) |
4:39 |
2. |
Fan fu ji hao (反覆記號, Repeated Note) |
4:25 |
3. |
Suan tian (酸甜, Sweet and Sour) |
4:33 |
4. |
Hao xiang ni (好想你, Missing You) |
3:56 |
5. |
Shi Zuo Yong Zhe (始作俑者, Initiator) |
4:38 |
6. |
Ning Meng Cao De Wei Dao (檸檬草的味道, Lemongrass Scent) |
4:30 |
7. |
Zuo Yi Tian De Ni (做一天的你, Be Me For a Day) |
4:43 |
8. |
Nu Lu Chuan (奴隸船, The Slave Ship) |
4:56 |
9. |
Xiao Shi De Cheng Bao (消失的城堡, Disappearing Castle) |
4:08 |
10. |
Jia Mian De Gao Bai (假面的告白, Fake Love Confession) |
4:07 |
11. |
Ma Jia Shang De Shen Suo (馬甲上的繩索, Vest On Rope) |
4:03 |
12. |
Wo Yao De Xuan Ze (我要的选择) |
4:33 |
13. |
Wo Hen Pa Hei (我很怕黑) |
4:41 |
14. |
Ni Wei He (你為何) |
3:35 |
15. |
Dao Dai (倒帶, Rewind) |
4:22 |
1. |
Qi Shi Jing Shen (騎士精神, Rider Spirit) |
2. |
Kan Wo 72 Bian (看我72變, Magic) |
3. |
Jia Mian De Gao Bai (假面的告白, Fake Love Confession) |
4. |
Bu La Ge Guang Chang (布拉格廣場, Prague Square) |
5. |
Shuo Ai Ni (說愛你, Say Love Me) |
6. |
Zuo Yi Tian De Ni (做一天的你, Be Me For a Day) |
7. |
Ma Jia Shang De Shen Suo (馬甲上的繩索, Vest On Rope) |
8. |
Hai Dao (海盜, Pirate) |
9. |
Ai Qing San Shi Liu Ji (愛情36計, Love's 36 Plans) |
10. |
Jiu Shi Ai (就是愛, That's Love) |
11. |
Ning Meng Cao De Wei Dao (檸檬草的味道, Lemongrass) |
12. |
Shi Zuo Yong Zhe (始作俑者, Initiator) |
13. |
Love Love Love |
14. |
Zhao Pai Dong Zuo (招牌動作, Signature gesture) |
15. |
Tian Kong (天空, Sky) |
16. |
Ye Man You Xi (野蠻遊戲, J-Game) |
17. |
Xu Yuan Chi De Xi La Shao Nu (許願池的希臘少女, Greek Girl by the Wishing Fountain) |
18. |
Zheng yi zhi yan Bi yi zhi yan (睜一隻眼閉一隻眼, Overlooking Purposely) |
19. |
Hao xiang ni (好想你, Missing You) |
20. |
Du zhan shen hua (獨佔神話, Exclusive Myth) |
21. |
Fan fu ji hao (反覆記號, Repeated Note) |
22. |
Le Yuan (樂園) |
Lien externe
Catégories : - Album de Jolin Tsai
- Album musical sorti en 2007
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Jolin's Final Wonderland de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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