ISDA Master Agreement
- ISDA Master Agreement
L'ISDA Master Agreement est le contrat-type le plus utilisé pour la vente de produits dérivés de gré à gré. Il a été mis au point par l' ISDA (Association Internationale des Swaps et Dérivés) en 1992 et amélioré en 2002[1].
Ce contrat détaille la formule mathématique utilisée pour déterminer le prix du produit dérivé vendu, les dates de paiement, les modalités de crédit (appel de marge, défaut d'un des deux parties, ...)
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article ISDA Master Agreement de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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ISDA Master Agreement — The most widely accepted standard form of documentation in the financial markets for derivative transactions. The ISDA master agreement can be used for a broad range of derivative transactions. For further information, see the ISDA website. USA… … Law dictionary
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Master Agreement — The most widely accepted standard form of documentation in the financial markets for derivative transactions. The ISDA master agreement can be used for a broad range of derivative transactions. For further information, see the ISDA website. USA… … Law dictionary
ISDA Master — The most widely accepted standard form of documentation in the financial markets for derivative transactions. The ISDA master agreement can be used for a broad range of derivative transactions. For further information, see the ISDA website. USA… … Law dictionary
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Schedule to ISDA Master — USA Schedule to ISDA Master Agreement, Also known as Schedule to ISDA Master or simply ISDA Schedule or Schedule. A document which parties to a derivatives transaction typically use to alter the terms of, or add terms to, the pre printed standard … Law dictionary
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