

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Iantivirus — is a Mac antivirus software for Intel Macs running on Leopard (10.5) developed by PC Tools. The iAntivirus Beta was first released in late June 2008. However, the [http://www.blog.iantivirus.com iAntivirus blog] has been running since December… …   Wikipedia

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  • Liste de logiciels antivirus — Logo symbolisant les antivirus. Les sociétés et logiciels ci dessous sont classés par ordre alphabétique. Lorsque l article n existe pas encore dans l encyclopédie, le lien, signalé par un astérisque, renvoie vers le site officiel. Sommaire …   Wikipédia en Français

  • MacSweeper — Screenshot from MacSweeper s Software MacSweeper is a rogue application that misleads users by exaggerating reports about spyware, adware or viruses on their computer.[1] It is the first known rogue application for the Mac OS X operating system.… …   Wikipedia

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