- Gölhisar
Gölhisar est une ville et un district de la province de Burdur dans la région méditerranéenne en Turquie.
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Catégories : - Ville de Turquie
- Localité de la région méditerranéenne
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Gölhisar — is a town and district of Burdur Province in the Mediterranean region of Turkey … Wikipedia
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Gölhisar — is., öz. Burdur iline bağlı ilçelerden biri … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
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Гёльхисар — Город Гёльхисар тур. Gölhisar Страна ТурцияТурция … Википедия
Lydian language — For other uses, see Lydian (disambiguation). Lydian Spoken in Lydia Extinct 1st c. BC Language family Indo European Anatolian … Wikipedia
List of cities in Turkey — The National Flag of Turkey This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it. This is a list of cities in Turkey by population. Included are cities that are provincial capitals or have a population of at least 7,000 … Wikipedia
Burdur Province — Infobox Province TR region=Mediterranean name=Burdur area=6,887 total population=246,134 licence = 15 area code= 248|Burdur is a province of Turkey, located in the southwest and bordering Muğla and Antalya to the South, Denizli to the West, Afyon … Wikipedia