- Ettinger
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partageant un même patronyme.
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Ettinger de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Ettinger — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Amber Lee Ettinger (*1983) US amerikanische Schauspielerin Bracha Ettinger (* 1948), israelische Künstlerin, Malerin, Fotografin, Theoretikerin und Psychoanalytikerin Carl Wilhelm Ettinger (1741−1804),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ettinger — is a surname and may refer to:* Amber Lee Ettinger (born 1982), American actress and model * Amos Ettinger * Esther Ettinger * Bracha L. Ettinger * Cynthia Ettinger, American actress * Dan Ettinger * Robert Ettinger (born 1918), also known as the … Wikipedia
ETTINGER — ETTINGER, family noted for its scholars and community leaders, originally from oettingen , Bavaria, from which the name derives. It is probably related to families named Oettingen or Ettingen: members of its East European branch were prominent in … Encyclopedia of Judaism
ETTINGER, AKIVA JACOB — (1872–1945), agricultural expert; founder and administrator of Jewish settlements in Ereẓ Israel. Ettinger, born in Vitebsk, Belorussia, came from a distinguished family (his mother was descended from R. Akiva eger ). He studied agriculture at… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
ETTINGER, SOLOMON — (Shloyme; 1803–1856), Yiddish poet and dramatist. Born in Warsaw, orphaned, and then raised in Leczna by his paternal uncle, Ettinger moved to Zamosc after marrying Golda, the daughter of magnate Judah Leib Wolf, where he was influenced by the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
ETTINGER, SHMUEL — (1919–1988), Israeli historian. Born in Kiev, U.S.S.R., Ettinger immigrated to Ereẓ Israel in 1936 and studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he received his doctorate in 1956 for his study The Jewish Colonization of the Ukraine,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
ETTINGER, MORDECAI ZE'EV BEN ISAAC AARON SEGAL — (1804–1863), Polish rabbinical scholar, and scion of a long line of rabbis (see ettinger family). He studied under Naphtali Hirsch Sohastov, rabbi of Lemberg, and under his own uncle, jacob ornstein . Although renowned for his great scholarship,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Ettinger, Akiva Jacob — (1872–1945) Palestine agronomist. Russian born Ettinger studied agriculture, first at St Petersburg and then in Bonn. From 1898 he worked for ICA (Jewish Colonization Association) in southern Russia, and later as an adviser on Jewish… … Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament
Ettinger — Herkunftsname zu den Ortsnamen Etting (Bayern), Ettingen (Baden Württemberg), Öttingen (Bayern) … Wörterbuch der deutschen familiennamen
Ettinger, Akiva Yaakov — (1872 1945) Zionist leader of Belorussian origin. He went to London as an adviser on settlement matters during the negotia tions over the Balfour Declaration. He settled in Palestine in 1918 and served as director of the agricultural… … Dictionary of Jewish Biography