- Bayramiç
Bayramiç est une ville et un district de la province de Çanakkale dans la région de Marmara en Turquie.
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Catégories : - Ville de Turquie
- Localité de la région de Marmara
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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
BAYRAMIÇ — BAYRAMIÇ, town near … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Bayramiç — is a town and district of Çanakkale Province, Turkey … Wikipedia
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Bayramiç — is., öz. Çanakkale iline bağlı ilçelerden biri … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
Barrage de Bayramic — Barrage de Bayramiç Barrage de Bayramiç Localisation Pays Turquie Province … Wikipédia en Français
Barrage de bayramiç — Localisation Pays Turquie Province … Wikipédia en Français
Barrage de Bayramiç — Géographie Pays Turquie Subdivision Çanakkale Coordonnées … Wikipédia en Français
Байрамич — Районный центр Байрамич тур. Bayramiç Страна ТурцияТурция … Википедия
Skepsis — (also Scepsis, and in Greek: Σκέψις) was an ancient settlement in Mysia, Asia Minor that is at the present site of Kurşuntepe, in Bayramiç, Turkey. The settlement is notable for being the location where the famous library of Aristotle was kept… … Wikipedia
CANAKKALE — (Turk. Çanakkale or Kala i Sultaniye; Eng. Dardanelles), town in Turkey. Canakkale was established in 1463 on the Asian shore of the Dardanelles between the ancient Abydos and Dardanos. Jews initially settled in Parium about 48 B.C.E. during the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism