
Page d'aide sur l'homonymie Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.

Adelmann, Adelman:

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Adelman — or Adelmann is a surname of Jewish (Ashkenazic) ancestry. It is ornamental, being composed of the German Adel ( nobility ) together with Mann (‘man’). List of people * Adelmann, Bishop of Brescia, Italy, during the 11th century * Irma Adelman,… …   Wikipedia

  • Adelman — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Jonathan R. Adelman (* 1948), US amerikanischer Politologe und Autor, Hochschullehrer in Denver Kenneth Adelman (* 1946), US amerikanischer Publizist und Politiker Rick Adelman (* 1946), US amerikanischer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Adelman de Liège — (Adelmannus Leodiensis, † vers 1061 à Brescia), fut évêque de Brescia au XIe siècle. Élève de Fulbert de Chartres, en compagnie de Bérenger de Tours, il rejoint ensuite Liège comme écolâtre, sous Wazon. Il devient ensuite évêque de Brescia… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • ADELMAN, URI — (1958–2004), Israeli writer. Adelman studied and later taught musicology at Tel Aviv University, wrote for the stage and for television, and published four books on computers. His reputation rests on four thrillers, all of them bestsellers, which …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Adelman — noun of Jewish (Ashkenazic) ancestry …   Wiktionary

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  • Rick Adelman — Infobox NBAretired size= caption= position= Guard number= 5, 12, 21 height ft = 6 height in = 1 weight lbs = 175 birthdate= birth date and age|1946|06|16 Lynwood, California deathdate= debutyear= 1968 finalyear= 1975 draftyear= 1968 draftround= 7 …   Wikipedia

  • Kenneth Adelman — Kenneth Lee Adelman (born June 9, 1946) is an American diplomat, political writer, policy analyst and William Shakespeare historian.Early careerAdelman graduated from Grinnell College in Iowa, majoring in philosophy and religion. He received his… …   Wikipedia

  • David Adelman — 15th United States Ambassador to the Republic of Singapore Incumbent A …   Wikipedia

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