Bar Code

Bar Code

Bar Code est une série de bande dessinée.

  • Scénario : Massimiliani de Giovanni
  • Dessins : Anrea Accardi
  • Couleurs : Stamb


  • Tome 1 : L'Enfant Dieu (2006)



Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Bar Code de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)

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  • bar-code — «BAHR KOHD», verb, cod|ed, cod|ing. = bar code (def. 2). (Cf. ↑bar code) bar code, 1. a code of lines and numbers for identifying a product in a computerized system of checkout and inventory. The Universa …   Useful english dictionary

  • bar code — ➔ code * * * bar code UK US noun [C] COMMERCE, IT ► a small rectangular pattern of thick and thin black lines printed on a product, or on its container, so that the details of the product can be read by and recorded on a computer system: »Bar… …   Financial and business terms

  • bar code — bar codes also barcode N COUNT A bar code is an arrangement of numbers and parallel lines that is printed on products to be sold in shops. The bar code can be read by computers …   English dictionary

  • bar code — ► NOUN ▪ a code in the form of a set of stripes of varying widths that can be read by a computer, printed on a product and identifying it for stock control …   English terms dictionary

  • bar code — n. any of the patterned sets of vertical bars of varying widths imprinted on consumer products, mail, etc. and containing coded information that can be read by a computerized scanner: cf. UNIVERSAL PRODUCT CODE …   English World dictionary

  • bar code — n a group of thin and thick lines printed on products you buy in a shop, and which a computer can read. It contains information such as the price …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bar code — bar ,code noun count a set of printed lines on a product s label that tells a computer information about it such as its price …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • bar code — bar′ code n. cmp a series of contiguous lines of like height coded by width and applied to an item for identification by an optical scanner, as for registering the price of a product • Etymology: 1970–75 …   From formal English to slang

  • bar code — a series of lines of varying width, printed, as on a container or product, that can be read by an optical scanner to determine charges for purchases, destinations for letters, etc. Cf. Universal Product Code. [1970 75] * * * Printed series of… …   Universalium

  • bar code — noun code consisting of a series of vertical bars of variable width that are scanned by a laser; printed on consumer product packages to identify the item for a computer that provides the price and registers inventory information • Syn:… …   Useful english dictionary

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