- Æthra
Cette page d’
homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Æthra de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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thra — an·thra·cene; an·thra·cif·er·ous; an·thra·cite; an·thra·cit·ic; an·thra·cit·i·za·tion; an·thra·cit·ous; an·thra·coid; an·thra·co·lith·ic; an·thra·co·mar·ti; an·thra·co·saur; an·thra·co·sau·rus; an·thra·co·sil·i·co·sis; an·thra·co·sis;… … English syllables
thra|son´i|cal|ly — thra|son|i|cal «thruh SON uh kuhl», adjective. boasting; bragging. ╂[< Latin Thrasō, ōnis, a braggart soldier in Terence s Eunuchus (< Greek Thrásōn < thrasýs bold) + English ic + al1] –thra|son´i|cal|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
thra|son|i|cal — «thruh SON uh kuhl», adjective. boasting; bragging. ╂[< Latin Thrasō, ōnis, a braggart soldier in Terence s Eunuchus (< Greek Thrásōn < thrasýs bold) + English ic + al1] –thra|son´i|cal|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
Thra|cian — «THRAY shuhn», adjective, noun. –adj. of or having to do with ancient Thrace, a region in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula, or its people. –n. 1. a person who was born or lived in ancient Thrace: »The Thracians were the most musical of… … Useful english dictionary
Thra|co-Il|lyr|i|an — «THRAY koh ih LIHR ee uhn», adjective, noun. –adj. of or having to do with a branch of the Indo European language family of which Albanian is the only surviving member. –n. a Thraco Illyrian language, especially Albanian … Useful english dictionary
Thra|co-Phryg|i|an — «THRAY koh FRIHJ ee uhn, FRIHJ uhn», adjective, noun. –adj. of or having to do with Thracian and Phrygian, two ancient Indo European languages. –n. either of those languages … Useful english dictionary
thra|son|ic — «thruh SON ihk», adjective. = thrasonical. (Cf. ↑thrasonical) … Useful english dictionary
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