Zone vadose
- Zone vadose
La Zone vadose ou zone non saturée (ZNS) du sol est la partie du sol et/ou du sous-sol située entre l'interface atmosphère-pédosphère et la nappe phréatique. Dans cette zone, les pores du sol sont partiellement remplis d'eau (à l'exception de la frange capillaire) et de gaz (le plus souvent de l'air), contrairement à la zone saturée en eau dans laquelle la totalité du système poreux est rempli d'eau et contient les aquifères.
La taille de cette zone dépend très fortement des caractéristiques climatiques, du type de sol et de l'hydrogéologie de l'endroit. Elle peut être de quelques mètres tout au plus comme dans les polders, aux Pays-Bas (forte pluviosité, nappe phréatique haute) ou extrêmement profonde comme sous le Sahara (évaporation importante et nappe phréatique profonde).
Portail des sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers
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vadose — [vā′dōs΄] adj. [< L vadosus, shallow < vadum, shallow place, ford, akin to vadere, to go: for IE base see WADE] designating or of water that clings to solid matter in an unsaturated zone between the earth s surface and the water table … English World dictionary
Vadose zone — [ capillary fringe, water table, and phreatic or saturated zone. (Source: United States Geological Survey.) ] The vadose zone, also termed the unsaturated zone, is the portion of Earth between the land surface and the phreatic zone or zone of… … Wikipedia
vadose cave — 1. A cave that underwent most of its development above the water table. Within the vadose zone, drainage is freeflowing under gravity, and cave passages therefore have air above any water surface. The gravitational control of vadose flow means … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
vadose zone — ▪ hydrology region of aeration above the water table. This zone also includes the capillary fringe above the water table, the height of which will vary according to the grain size of the sediments. In coarse grained mediums the fringe may… … Universalium
vadose water — 1. That part of the underground water in a karst limestone which circulates freely under gravity above the level of saturation the vadose zone. Caves formed by flowing water are said to be vadose caves [19]. 2. Water in the zone of… … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
vadose zone — 1. The zone between the land surface and the water table [22]. 2. The zone between the land surface and the deepest water table which includes the capillary fringe. Generally, water in this zone is under less than atmospheric pressure, and… … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
zone of aeration — The zone in permeable soil or rock that is above the zone saturated with water; the zone of vadose water [10]. See also vadose zone … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
vadose — /vay dohs/, adj. Geol. found or located above the water table: vadose water; vadose zone. [1895 1900; < L vadosus shallow, equiv. to vad(um) a shoal, ford + osus OSE1] * * * … Universalium
vadose — adjective Of or pertaining to water beneath the surface of the earth which is located above the level of the permanent groundwater. Research has shown bone apatite to undergo chemical exchange with carbonates in either vadose water or groundwater … Wiktionary
vadose — va•dose [[t]ˈveɪ doʊs[/t]] adj. gel found or located above the water table: vadose water; vadose zone[/ex] • Etymology: 1895–1900; < L vadōsus shallow … From formal English to slang