- Yuriev
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homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
Iouriev, (en russe Юрьев), et aussi transcrit Youriev, Yuriev ou Yuryev, est un nom russe dérivé du prénom Georges (Iouri). Il peut désigner :
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Yuriev de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Yuriev Monastery — The St. George s (Yuriev) Monastery ( ru. Юрьев монастырь) was the main monastery of medieval Novgorod the Great. It stands south of the city on the left bank of the Volkhov River near where it flows out of Lake Ilmen. According to legend, the… … Wikipedia
Boris Nikolaevich Yuriev — Boris Nikolajewitsch Jurjew Boris Nikolajewitsch Jurjew (russisch Борис Николаевич Юрьев; * 29. Oktoberjul./ 10. November 1889greg. in Smolensk; † 14. März 1957 in … Deutsch Wikipedia
Boris Yuriev — Boris Nikolajewitsch Jurjew Boris Nikolajewitsch Jurjew (russisch Борис Николаевич Юрьев; * 29. Oktoberjul./ 10. November 1889greg. in Smolensk; † 14. März 1957 in … Deutsch Wikipedia
Yúriyev-Polski — Yuriev Polski Юрьев Польский Escudo … Wikipedia Español
List of characters in the Xenosaga series — The following is a list of major characters in the Xenosaga series. Contents 1 Development 2 Playable characters 2.1 Shion Uzuki 2.2 KOS MOS … Wikipedia
Gaignun Kukai, Jr. — Gaignun Kukai, Jr. (usually just Jr. and often called Little Master by those under his command) is a fictional character from the Xenosaga series. He is the director of the Kukai Foundation, an organization based on Second Miltia. He looks like a … Wikipedia
List of antagonists in Xenosaga — The following is a list of major villains/antagonists in the Xenosaga series. Contents 1 Dimitri Yuriev 2 Albedo 3 Wilhelm 4 Heinlein … Wikipedia
Albedo (Xenosaga) — nihongo|Albedo Piazzolla|アルベド・ピアソラ|Arubedo Piasora is a character in Monolith Soft s RPG series Xenosaga and the main antagonist in and . He is U.R.T.V. Unit 667, and one of the few surviving U.R.T.V.s from the Miltian Conflict. Despite being… … Wikipedia
Les personnages secondaires de Xenosaga — Liste des personnages secondaires de Xenosaga Sommaire : Haut A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ce qui suit dévoile des moments clés de l’intrigue. 0 9 … Wikipédia en Français
Liste Des Personnages Secondaires De Xenosaga — Sommaire : Haut A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ce qui suit dévoile des moments clés de l’intrigue. 0 9 … Wikipédia en Français