- Xebec
Cette page d’
homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
- le xebec, ou chebec est un petit navire utilisé entre les XVIe et XIXe siècles.
- Studio Xebec est un studio d'animation japonais.
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Xebec de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
XEBEC — Unternehmensform Kabushiki gaisha Gründung 1. Mai 1995 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Xebec — Rechtsform Kabushiki gaisha Gründung 1. Mai 1995[1] … Deutsch Wikipedia
Xebec — Тип кабусики гайся Год основания 1 мая 1995 года Расположение Япония Отрасль вы … Википедия
XEBEC — Расположение Япония Отрасль выпуск аниме и анимация Веб сайт http://www.production ig.co.jp/xebec XEBEC, Inc ( … Википедия
Xebec — Xe bec (z[=e] b[e^]k), n. [Sp. jabegue, formerly spelt xabeque, or Pg. xabeco; both from Turk. sumbeki a kind of Asiatic ship; cf. Per. sumbuk, Ar. sumb[=u]k a small ship.] (Naut.) A small three masted vessel, with projecting bow stern and convex … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
XEBEC — es una división del estudio de animación Production I.G especializado en la creación de anime para televisión. Son los creadores de las animaciones de series tan populares como Love Hina, To Love Ru , Martian Successor Nadesico y Overdrive y… … Wikipedia Español
xebec — (n.) small three masted vessel, by 1745, from Fr. chébec, from It. sciabecco, ultimately from Arabic shabbak a small warship. Altered by influence of cognate Sp. xabeque, which shows the old way of representing the Spanish sound now spelled j … Etymology dictionary
xebec — [zē′bek] n. [altered (infl. by Sp form) < earlier chebec < Fr chébec < It sciabecco, prob. via Sp xabeque (now jabeque) < Ar shabbāk, a small warship] a small, three masted ship having an overhanging bow and stern and both square and… … English World dictionary
XEBEC — Studio Xebec Xebec Inc 株式会社ジーベック [1] Création … Wikipédia en Français
Xebec — This article is about the type of ship. For the animation studio, see Xebec (studio). A xebec with three lateens and oars A xebec ( … Wikipedia