Bachelor No.2

Bachelor No.2
  1. How am I Different
  2. Nothing Is Good Enough
  3. Red Vines
  4. The Fall Of The World's Own Optimist
  5. Satellite
  6. Deathly
  7. Ghost World
  8. Calling It Quits
  9. Susan
  10. Backfire
  11. It Takes All Kinds
  12. Save me
  13. Just like anyone
  14. You do

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  • Bachelor — Bach e*lor (b[a^]ch [ e]*l[ e]r), n. [OF. bacheler young man, F. bachelier (cf. Pr. bacalar, Sp. bachiller, Pg. bacharel, It. baccalare), LL. baccalarius the tenant of a kind of farm called baccalaria, a soldier not old or rich enough to lead his …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bachelor — (n.) c.1300, young man; also youthful knight, novice in arms, from O.Fr. bacheler (11c.) knight bachelor, a young squire in training for knighthood, of uncertain origin, perhaps from M.L. baccalarius vassal farmer, one who helps or tends a… …   Etymology dictionary

  • bachelor — [bach′ə lər, bach′lər] n. [ME bacheler < OFr bachelier < ML baccalaris: see BACCALAUREATE] 1. in the feudal system, a young knight and landholder who served under another s banner: also bachelor at arms 2. a man who has not married 3. a… …   English World dictionary

  • Bachelor — (engl., spr. Bättschler), s.u. Baccalareus …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Bachelor — (engl., spr. bättscheler) s. Bakkalaureus …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • bachelor — [n] unmarried man or woman available*, celibate, single*, single person, stag*, unattached; concepts 415,419,423 Ant. groom, husband, spouse …   New thesaurus

  • bachelor — ► NOUN 1) a man who has never been married. 2) a person who holds a first degree from a university. DERIVATIVES bachelorhood noun. ORIGIN Old French bacheler a young man aspiring to knighthood …   English terms dictionary

  • Bachelor — Der Bachelor ([ˈbætʃə.lɚ] oder [ˈbætʃlɚ], dt. auch Bakkalaureus; aus engl. bachelor, geht auf das lat. baccalaureus, „(Jung )Geselle“, zurück) ist der erste akademische Grad eines gestuften Universitätsstudiums oder Hochschulstudiums und zugleich …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bachelor — This article is about the term for an unmarried man. For other uses, see Bachelor (disambiguation). A bachelor is a man above the age of majority who has never been married (see single person). Unlike his female counterpart, the spinster, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Bachelor — Ba|che|lor 〈[ bæ̣tʃələ(r)] m.; od. s, s; Abk.: B.; in den USA u. Europa〉 Sy Bakkalaureus 1. unterster akademischer Grad; Sy Bakkalaureat 2. Inhaber des Bachelor (1) * * * Ba|che|lor [ bɛt̮ʃəlɐ ], der; [s] …   Universal-Lexikon

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