Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited |
Création |
1962 |
modifier  |
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited est une entreprise qui fait partie de l'indice boursier BSE Sensex.
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Catégories : Entreprise du BSE Sensex | Entreprise fondée en 1962 | Entreprise indienne du secteur énergétique
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article BHEL de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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bhel-6 — bhel 6 English meaning: to sound, speak, onomatopoeic words Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘schallen, reden, brũllen, bellen”; Schallwurzel Material: O.Ind. bhaṣá ḥ “barking, baying” (*bhel s ), bhüṣ atē “talks, speaks, prattles”;… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
bhel-2 — bhel 2 English meaning: in names of henbane Deutsche Übersetzung: in Bezeichnungen of Bilsenkrautes Note: probably with bhel 1 identical Material: Gaul. (Illyr. ?) belinuntia f., βελένιον n. “ hyoscyamus “, to names of Apollo… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
bhel- — I. bhel 1 To shine, flash, burn; shining white and various bright colors. Derivatives include blue, bleach, blind, blond, blanket, black, flagrant, and flame. I. Suffixed full grade form … Universalium
BHEL — Bharat Heavy Electricals Unternehmensform Unternehmenssitz Neu Delhi, Indien Branche Maschinenbau, Elektronik, Energie Website … Deutsch Wikipedia
bhel-5 , mostly with -ĝ- (-k̂-): bhelǝĝ -, bhelǝ-n-ĝ-, bheleĝ-; bhl̥k̂- — bhel 5 , mostly with ĝ ( k̂ ): bhelǝĝ , bhelǝ n ĝ , bheleĝ ; bhl̥k̂ English meaning: balk Deutsche Übersetzung: “Bohle, Balken” Material: Basic bhel in O.Ind. bhuríjüu Du.” arms, arms or shafts of the cart’s pole”; Gaul.… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
bhel-1, bhelǝ- — bhel 1, bhelǝ English meaning: shining, white Deutsche Übersetzung: “glänzend, weiß”, also von weißlichen Tieren, Pflanzen and Dingen, as Schuppen, Haut etc Note: to bhü 1 standing in the same relationship, as stel to stü… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
bhel-3, bhlē- — bhel 3, bhlē English meaning: to grow, spread, swell Deutsche Übersetzung: “aufblasen, aufschwellen, sprudeln, strotzen” Material: O.Ind. bhüṇ ḍ a n. “pot, pan, vessel” (*bhüln da?); after Thieme (ZDMG. 92, 47 f.) here Av.… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
bhel-4 and bhlē-, bhlō-, bhlǝ- — bhel 4 and bhlē , bhlō , bhlǝ English meaning: leaf; bloom Deutsche Übersetzung: “Blatt, Blũte, blũhen; ũppig sprießen” Note: probably from bhel “to swell” in sense of “vegetable lushness “ and ‘swelling = bud” Material: Gk … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
Bhel (tribe) — Bhel or Bheel or Bhil ( ur. بھیل) is a Sindhi tribe in Sindh, Pakistan … Wikipedia
BHEL township — Infobox Indian Jurisdiction native name = BHEL Township metro = Hyderabad state name = Andhra Pradesh type = neighbourhood skyline = skyline caption = latd = longd = district = Hyderabad parliament const = Medak assembly const = Khairtabad taluk… … Wikipedia