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VSO — is a three letter acronym with multiple meanings, as described below: * Scout observation plane in the United States Navy * Valdosta Southern Railroad reporting mark|VSO * Vancouver Symphony Orchestra * Variable Speed Oscillator * Verb Subject… … Wikipedia
VSO — sigla ES ingl. Very Superior Old, stravecchio superiore, di cognac o brandy che ha tra i 12 e i 17 anni di invecchiamento … Dizionario italiano
VSO — Voluntary Service Overseas a British organization which sends people to developing countries for at least two years, to live and work there and to share their skills and knowledge with the local people … Dictionary of contemporary English
VSO — ► ABBREVIATION ▪ Voluntary Service Overseas … English terms dictionary
VSO — Типология порядка слов (в предложении) одна из возможных систем типологической классификации языков, используемых в лингвистической типологии. Основывается на базовом порядке, в котором в предложении стоят подлежащее (англ. subject), сказуемое… … Википедия
VSO — abbr. Voluntary Service Overseas. * * * abbreviation very superior old usually used of brandy 12 to 17 years old * * * abbrev Voluntary Service Overseas * * * VSO UK [ˌviː es ˈəʊ] US [ˌvi es ˈoʊ] Voluntary Service Overseas: a British organization … Useful english dictionary
VSÖ — Der Verband der Sicherheitsunternehmen Österreichs ist ein Verband von Sicherheitsunternehmen aus den Bereichen Sicherheitsdienstleistung und Sicherheitstechnik. Der 1975 gegründete Verband ist unter anderem verantwortlich für die österreichische … Deutsch Wikipedia
VSO — In der Sprachtypologie sind VSO Sprachen (Verb Subjekt Objekt Sprachen) diejenigen Sprachen, in denen Verb, Subjekt und Objekt im Normalfall in dieser Reihenfolge auftreten. Beispiele für Sprachen des Typus VSO ist das klassische Arabische, die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
VSO — [[t]vi͟ː es o͟ʊ[/t]] N PROPER VSO is a British organization that sends skilled people to developing countries to work on projects that help the local community. VSO is an abbreviation for Voluntary Service Overseas … English dictionary
VSO Software — Infobox Company name = VSO Software type = Private genre = foundation = 2003 founder = location city = Toulouse location country = France location = locations = area served = key people = industry = Software products = services = market c revenue … Wikipedia