Turkey Shoot
- Turkey Shoot
Les Traqués de l'an 2000
Les Traqués de l'an 2000 (Turkey Shoot) est un film australien réalisé par Brian Trenchard-Smith, sorti en 1982.
Expédiés dans un camp de rééducation, certains citoyens considérés comme déviants vont servir de gibier dans le cadre d’une chasse à l’homme organisée par le directeur de l’établissement.
Fiche technique
- Titre : Les Traqués de l'an 2000
- Titre original : Turkey Shoot
- Réalisation : Brian Trenchard-Smith
- Scénario : Jon George et Neill D. Hicks
- Production : John Daly, William Fayman, Antony I. Ginnane et David Hemmings
- Sociétés de production : FGH, Filmco Limited et Hemdale Film
- Budget : 3,2 millions de dollars (2,42 millions d'euros)
- Musique : Brian May
- Photographie : John R. McLean
- Montage : Alan Lake
- Décors : Bernard Hides
- Costumes : Aphrodite Kondos
- Pays d'origine : Australie
- Format : Couleurs - 2,35:1 - Mono - 35 mm
- Genre : Action, science-fiction
- Durée : 93 minutes
- Dates de sortie : 23 septembre 1982 (Allemagne de l'Ouest), 14 octobre 1982 (Australie), 15 juin 1983 (France)
- Steve Railsback : Paul Anders
- Olivia Hussey : Chris Walters
- Michael Craig : Charles Thatcher
- Carmen Duncan : Jennifer
- Noel Ferrier : le secrétaire Mallory
- Lynda Stoner : Rita Daniels
- Roger Ward : Ritter, le chef de la sécurité
- Michael Petrovitch : Tito
- Gus Mercurio : Red
- John Ley : Dodge
- Bill Young : Griff
- Steve Rackman : Alph
- John Godden : Andy
- Oriana Panozzo : Melinda
Autour du film
Liens externes
- Portail du cinéma
- Portail de l’Australie
Catégories : Film australien | Film sorti en 1982 | Film d'action | Film de science-fiction | Titre de film en T | Film tourné en Australie
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Turkey Shoot de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
turkey shoot — turkey ,shoot noun count AMERICAN 1. ) INFORMAL a situation in which one group is much stronger than another group that it is competing against: The other team was missing its star player, so the game was pretty much a turkey shoot. 2. ) a… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Turkey shoot — A turkey shoot is an opportunity for an individual or a party to very easily take advantage of a situation. It also implies that the shooter can t lose.A turkey shoot is also a shooting contest where frozen turkeys are awarded as prizes. The… … Wikipedia
turkey shoot — noun Etymology: turkey (III) 1. a. : a contest of marksmanship with a gun using live turkeys as targets b. : a similar contest for prizes usually using moving targets 2. : something resembling a turkey shoot * * * ˈturkey shoot 7 … Useful english dictionary
turkey shoot — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms turkey shoot : singular turkey shoot plural turkey shoots American informal a situation in which one group is much stronger than another group that it is competing against … English dictionary
turkey shoot — American a business easily concluded Based on the size and relative immobility of the bird, which originated in the Americas, and not the Levant. Used of making money easily, killing a victim without a problem, etc.: ... a chance for … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
Turkey Shoot (film) — Turkey Shoot is a 1982 dystopian futurist exploitation film directed by Brian Trenchard Smith notable for its extreme violence, sadistic prison sequences and plethora of 1980’s Australian soap opera stars.PlotIn the totalitarian near future,… … Wikipedia
turkey-shoot — turkˈey shoot noun (slang, esp US) 1. A battle involving large scale killing or destruction of easy targets (military) 2. Anything easily won or accomplished • • • Main Entry: ↑turkey … Useful english dictionary
turkey shoot — noun Date: 1845 a marksmanship contest using a moving target with a turkey offered as a prize … New Collegiate Dictionary
turkey shoot — 1. a marksmanship contest, usually at a festive gathering, in which rifles are fired at moving targets, originally live turkeys. 2. a. something easily accomplished; piece of cake. b. an easy destruction of enemy troops, esp. of flying aircraft.… … Universalium
turkey shoot — noun informal, chiefly N. Amer. a situation, typically in a war, in which the aggressor has an overwhelming advantage … English new terms dictionary