- Troma
Troma Entertainment
Le logo de Troma EntertainmentTroma Entertainment est une société de production américaine, créée dans les années 1970 par Lloyd Kaufman et spécialisée dans les films trash de série B.
Produits avec des budgets dérisoires, les films Troma sont appréciés par une communauté d'aficionados. Les thèmes récurrents, voire obsessionnels, des productions Troma sont le sexe, le gore, la violence et les mutations que peuvent causer les déchets nucléaires. Parmi les productions Troma qui ont accédé au statut de films cultes, on peut citer The Toxic Avenger et Tromeo and Juliet.
- A
- Actium Maximus: War of the Alien Dinosaurs
- Adventure of the Action Hunters
- Advising Michael
- Alien Blood
- All The Love You Cannes
- Angel Negro
- B
- Back Road Diner
- Baconhead
- Bad Charleston Charlie
- The Bang Bang Kid
- The Battle Of Love's Return
- The Battle Of Neretva
- Battle Of The Last Panzer
- Beg!
- Best of Tromadance Volume 1: Soiled Shorts
- Best of Tromadance Volume 2
- Best of Tromadance Volume 3
- Best Shots
- Beware! Children At Play
- Blades
- Blondes Have More Guns
- Blood Hook
- Blood Sisters of Lesbian Sin
- Bloodsucking Freaks
- Bride Of Killer Nerd
- Bugged!
- The Butchers
- Buttcrack
- C
- Cannibal! The Musical
- Capture Of Bigfoot
- Centerfold Girls
- Chillers
- Chopper Chicks In Zombie Town
- The Chosen One: Legend of the Raven
- Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger Part 4
- Class Of Nuke 'em High
- Class Of Nuke 'em High II: Subhumanoid Meltdown
- Class Of Nuke 'em High III: The Good, The Bad, And The Subhumanoid
- Combat Shock
- Coming Distractions
- Crapston Villas
- Crazed
- Cry Uncle!
- Curse Of The Cannibal Confederates
- Cybernator
- D
- Dead Dudes In The House
- Decampitated
- Def By Temptation
- Demented Death Farm Massacre
- Devoured: The Legend of Alferd Packer
- Die You Zombie Bastards !
- Digital Prophet
- Dog Years
- Dr. Hackenstein
- Sergio Lapel's Drawing Blood
- E
- Ellie
- Escape From Hell
- Eve's Beach Fantasy
- Evil Clutch
- The Eye of the Stranger
- F
- The Fanatic
- Fat Guy Goes Nutzoid
- Fatty Drives The Bus
- Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters
- Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters 2
- Fertilize The Blaspheming Bombshell
- The First Turn On!
- Flesh Eaters from Outer Space / Invasion for Flesh and Blood
- Foreplay
- Fortress of Amerikkka
- Frightmare
- Frostbiter: Wrath Of the Wendigo
- G
- The G.I. Executioner
- Girl School Screamers
- Go To Hell
- Graduation Day
- H
- Hanging Woman
- Haunting Fear
- Hellblock 13
- Hollywood Zap!
- Hot Summer In Barefoot County
- I
- Igor and the Lunatics
- The Imitators
- Incredible Torture Show
- I Was A Teenage TV Terrorist
- J
- Jefftowne
- K
- Killer Condom
- Killer Nerd
- L
- Legend of the Chupacabra
- Lust For Freedom
- Luther the Geek
- M
- Mad Dog Morgan
- Maniac Nurses Find Ecstasy
- Meat for Satan's Icebox
- Medley (film)
- Mirror of Death
- Monster in the Closet
- Mother's Day
- N
- New Gladiators
- Nightbeast
- No Way Back
- A Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell
- O
- Outlaw Prophet
- P - Q
- Parts of the Family
- Pigs
- Plutonium Baby
- Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead
- Preacherman
- Pterodactyl Woman From Beverly Hills
- Pure Blood
- R
- Rabid Grannies
- Redneck Zombies
- Rockabilly Vampire
- Rowdy Girls
- The Ruining
- S
- Scream Baby Scream
- Screamplay
- Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D
- Shakespeare In & Out
- Shark
- Sizzle Beach USA
- Space Daze
- Space Zombie Bingo
- Squeeze Play!
- Star Worms II: Attack of The Pleasure Pods
- State of Mind
- The Stendhal Syndrome
- Story Of A Junkie
- Strangest Dreams: Invasion of the Space Preachers
- Stuck On You!
- Student Confidential
- Stuff Stephanie in the Incinerator
- Sucker: The Vampire
- Sugar Cookies
- Suicide
- Superstarlet A.D.
- Surf Nazis Must Die
- T
- Tainted
- Tales From The Crapper
- Teenage Catgirls in Heat
- Terror Firmer
- They Call Me Macho Woman
- Time Barbarians
- Tomcat Angles
- The Toxic Avenger
- The Toxic Avenger, Part II
- The Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie
- Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger IV
- Toxic Crusaders
- Trailer Town
- Troma's Edge TV
- Troma's War
- Tromeo and Juliet
- Twisted Justice
- U
- Unspeakable
- V
- Vegas High Stakes
- Vegas in Space
- Vendetta
- Video Vixens
- Viewer Discretion Advised
- Viral Assassins
- Virgin Beasts
- W
- Waitress!
- The Wedding Party
- When Nature Calls
- Wiseguys vs. Zombies
- Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart
- Witchcraft VII: Judgement Hour
- Wizards of the Demon Sword
- X- Y - Z
- Zombie Island Massacre
- Portail du cinéma
- Portail de la réalisation audiovisuelle
- Portail des entreprises
Catégorie : Société de production de cinéma américaine - A
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.