- Awake

Cette page d’
homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
Awake est un mot anglais signifiant éveillé.
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Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Awake de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Awake! — (ISSN|0005 237X) is a magazine published by Jehovah s Witnesses, considered to be a companion magazine of The Watchtower .The magazine s predecessor, first published in 1919 by the International Bible Students Association (an earlier name of… … Wikipedia
Awake — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término Awake (del idioma inglés), traducible por despierto se puede referir a: En la literatura y cine: The Awakening novela de Kate Chopin; Awakenings, película, título traducido como Despertares; Awake,… … Wikipedia Español
Awake — (англ. проснись; наяву): Музыкальные альбомы Awake третий студийный альбом группы Dream Theater. Awake второй полноценный альбом группы Godsmack. Awake восьмой альбом группы Skillet. Другое Awake английское название сериала… … Википедия
Awake — A*wake , v. t. [imp. {Awoke}, {Awaked}; p. p. {Awaked}; (Obs.) {Awaken}, {Awoken}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Awaking}. The form {Awoke} is sometimes used as a p. p.] [AS. [=a]w[ae]cnan, v. i. (imp. aw[=o]c), and [=a]wacian, v. i. (imp. awacode). See… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Awake — A*wake , a. [From awaken, old p. p. of awake.] Not sleeping or lethargic; roused from sleep; in a state of vigilance or action. [1913 Webster] Before whom awake I stood. Milton. [1913 Webster] She still beheld, Now wide awake, the vision of her… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Awake — bezeichnet: einen Film, siehe Awake (Film) ein Album der Band Dream Theater, siehe Awake (Dream Theater Album) ein Album der Band Godsmack, siehe Awake (Godsmack Album) englischsprachige Ausgabe der Zeitschrift Erwachet! … Deutsch Wikipedia
awake to — [phrasal verb] awake to (something) : to become aware of (something) We finally awoke to the danger. How long will it take them to awake to their mistake? • • • Main Entry: ↑awake … Useful english dictionary
awake — awake, awaken, wake, waken 1. forms. Although the history of these words, and in particular of the various forms of past tense and past participle, is highly complex (see the OED entry), in current use awake and wake can be paired as strong verbs … Modern English usage
awake — [adj] conscious; alert alive, aroused, attentive, awakened, aware, cognizant, excited, heedful, knowing, observant, on guard, roused, vigilant, wakeful, waking, watchful; concepts 402,406 Ant. asleep, unconscious awake [v1] become alert or cause… … New thesaurus
awake — [ə wāk′] vt. awoke or awaked, awaked or awoken, awaking [a merging of two words: ME awaken < OE awacan (on , out + wacan, to arise, awake) & ME awakien < OE awacian ( on , out + wacian, to be awake, watch): see WAKE1] 1. to rouse from… … English World dictionary
Awake — A*wake , v. i. To cease to sleep; to come out of a state of natural sleep; and, figuratively, out of a state resembling sleep, as inaction or death. [1913 Webster] The national spirit again awoke. Freeman. [1913 Webster] Awake to righteousness,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English