
Page d'aide sur l'homonymie Cette page dhomonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.

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  • Theodemir — was king of the Ostrogoths of the Amal Dynasty, and father of Theodoric the Great. He had an older brother named Valamir and a younger named Vidimir. Theodemir was Arian, while his wife Erelieva was Catholic. He took over the three Pannonian Goth …   Wikipedia

  • Theodemir — Théodemir (roi suève) Théodomir (en espagnol Teodomiro) est roi des Suèves en 558 ; il succède à Cariaric. Il abjure l arianisme lorsque son fils Ariamir ou Miron est guéri d une maladie par l intercession de saint Martin de Tours. Il… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Theodĕmir — Theodĕmir, 1) Sohn Richimers, Fürst der Franken, fiel nebst seiner Mutter Ascila 448 n. Chr. durch die Römer, nach Andern 420 in der Schlacht gegen Castinus. 2) Sohn Winithars, König der Ostgothen bis 475, s.u. Gothen II. A). 3) Sohn Cariarichs,… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Theodemir (disambiguation) — Theodemir ( es. Teodomiro), Theodemar, Theudemer ( la. Theudemeres), or Theudimer ( ar. Tudmir or Tadmir ) was a Germanic name common among the various Germanic peoples of early medieval Europe. According to Smaragdus of Saint Mihiel (9th… …   Wikipedia

  • Théodemir (roi suève) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Théodemir. Théodomir (en espagnol Teodomiro) est roi des Suèves en 558 ; il succède à Cariaric. Biographie Il abjure l arianisme lorsque son fils Ariamir ou Miron est guéri d une maladie par l intercession… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Theodemar — Theodemir or Theodemar ( Teodemiro ; died 570) was one of the last Suevic Kings of Galicia and one of the first Catholics. He succeeded Ariamir sometime between the end of May 561 and the year 566 and ruled until his death. Theodemir has been… …   Wikipedia

  • Theudimer — Theodemir or Theudimer [Spanish: Teodomiro , Arabic: Tudmĩr or Tadmir .] (died 743) was a Visigothic comes (count) prominent in the southeast of Baetica (the region around Murcia [cite journal |last=Wolf |first=Kenneth Baxter |year=1986… …   Wikipedia

  • Теодемир вестготский вельможа — (Theodemir) вестготский вельможа в Испании. Командовал вестготским флотом и около 695 г. одержал победу над греками, грабившими берега Южн. Испании. В 709 г. разбил флот мусульман. При короле Родерихе он стоял во главе войска в Андалузии, когда… …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

  • Теодемир, вестготский вельможа — (Theodemir) вестготский вельможа в Испании. Командовал вестготским флотом и около 695 г. одержал победу над греками, грабившими берега Южн. Испании. В 709 г. разбил флот мусульман. При короле Родерихе он стоял во главе войска в Андалузии, когда… …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

  • Suebic Kingdom of Galicia — The Suebic Kingdom of Galicia was the first kingdom to separate from the Roman Empire and mint coins. Located in Gallaecia and northern Lusitania, it was established at 410 and lasted until 584 after a century of slow decline. Smaller than the… …   Wikipedia

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