Thomas Fairfax

Thomas Fairfax
Page d'aide sur l'homonymie Cette page dhomonymie répertorie différentes personnes partageant un même nom.
  • Thomas Fairfax (1560-1640), 1er lord Fairfax de Cameron soldat, diplomate et politicien anglais ;
  • Thomas Fairfax (1612-1671), petit-fils du précédent, 3e lord Fairfax de Cameron, général et commandant-en-chef durant la Première révolution anglaise.

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  • Thomas Fairfax, 3rd Lord Fairfax of Cameron — (17 January 1612 ndash; 12 November 1671) was a general and parliamentary commander in chief during the English Civil War.Early lifeBorn at Denton Hall, near Otley, Yorkshire, Fairfax was the eldest son of Ferdinando Fairfax, 2nd Lord Fairfax of… …   Wikipedia

  • Thomas Fairfax, 6th Lord Fairfax of Cameron — (October 22, 1693 ndash; December 9, 1781) was the son of Thomas Fairfax, 5th Lord Fairfax of Cameron and of Catharine, daughter of Thomas Culpeper, 2nd Baron Culpeper of Thoresway. Various place names in Northern Virginia and West Virginia s… …   Wikipedia

  • Thomas Fairfax, 3rd Lord Fairfax of Cameron — Thomas Fairfax Thomas Fairfax Thomas Fairfax (17 janvier 1612, Denton Hall (près de Otley) dans le Yorkshire – 12 novembre 1671), 3e Lord Fairfax de Cameron, fut un général et commandant en chef durant la Première révolution anglaise. Il é …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Thomas Fairfax, 3. Baron Fairfax of Cameron — Thomas Fairfax, 3. Lord Fairfax of Cameron (* 17. Januar 1612 in Denton, Yorkshire; † 12. November 1671 in Nunappleton) war während des Englischen Bürgerkriegs General und Oberbefehlshaber des Parlamentsheers, der New Model Army. Thomas Fairfax… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Thomas Fairfax, III lord Fairfax de Cameron — Thomas Fairfax Thomas Fairfax, 3er Lord Fairfax de Cameron, (* Denton, cerca de Otley en Yorkshire; 17 de enero de 1612 – † 12 de noviembre de 1671), general durante la Revolución Inglesa, hijo de Ferdinan …   Wikipedia Español

  • Thomas Fairfax, 3. Lord Fairfax of Cameron — (* 17. Januar 1612 in Denton, Yorkshire; † 12. November 1671 in Nunappleton) war während des Englischen Bürgerkriegs General und Oberbefehlshaber des Parlamentsheers, der New Model Army …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Thomas Fairfax, 1st Lord Fairfax of Cameron — (1560 2 May 1640), was an English soldier, diplomat and politician.Fairfax was the eldest son of Sir Thomas Fairfax of Denton and Dorothy Gale. He represented Queen Elizabeth I on several diplomatic missions to King James VI of Scotland and also… …   Wikipedia

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