- Thermolabile
Thermolabile désigne une substance (protéine) qui perd ses propriétés lorsqu'elle subit une élévation de température.
Cela concerne surtout des protéines complexes (toxines et autres) qui sous l'effet de la température perdent leur configuration tri-dimensionnelle et les propriétés qui y sont liées. Entre autres exemples, on peut citer la toxine botulique ou celle contenue dans le venin de guêpe, la vitamine B9 ... Les protéines enzymatiques sont thermolabiles, contrairement aux coenzymes qui sont thermostables.
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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
thermolabile — [ tɛrmolabil ] adj. • 1905; de thermo et labile ♦ Sc. Qui subit des modifications ou qui perd de ses propriétés lorsqu une élévation de température déterminée s est produite. ⊗ CONTR. Thermostable. ● thermolabile adjectif Se dit d une substance… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Thermolabile — refers to a substance which is subject to destruction/decomposition or change in response to heat. This term is often used to describe biochemical substances. For example, many bacterial exotoxins are thermolabile and can be easily inactivated by … Wikipedia
thermolabile — [thʉr΄mōlā′bəl] adj. [ THERMO + LABILE] designating or of substances, as some toxins, enzymes, etc., that are destroyed or lose their characteristic properties when subjected to heat, esp. to a temperature of 55°C (131°F) or above thermolability… … English World dictionary
thermolabile — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1904 unstable when heated; specifically subject to loss of characteristic properties on being heated to or above 55°C (131°F) < many immune bodies, enzymes, and vitamins are… … New Collegiate Dictionary
thermolabile — Subject to alteration or destruction by heat. [thermo + L. labilis, perishable] * * * ther·mo·la·bile .thər mō lā .bīl, bəl adj unstable when heated specif subject to loss of characteristic properties on being heated to or above 55°C… … Medical dictionary
thermolabile — thermolability /therr moh leuh bil i tee/, n. /therr moh lay bil, buyl/, adj. Biochem. subject to destruction or loss of characteristic properties by the action of moderate heat, as certain toxins and enzymes (opposed to thermostable). [1900 05;… … Universalium
thermolabile — adjective Subject to destruction/decomposition or change in response to heat. Ant: thermostable … Wiktionary
thermolabile — Decomposed, destroyed, affected, or liable to be adversely affected by heat, as some enzyme and toxins … Forensic science glossary
thermolabile — adj. sensitive to heat … English contemporary dictionary
thermolabile — [ˌθə:mə(ʊ) leɪbʌɪl, bɪl] adjective chiefly Biochemistry readily destroyed or deactivated by heat … English new terms dictionary