The Naked Eye
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the naked eye — the human eye alone, without special equipment such as a telescope; if you can see something with the naked eye, you can see it without using a telescope, microscope etc The eggs are so small they cannot be seen with the naked eye.… … English dictionary
(the) naked eye — the naked ˈeye idiom the normal power of your eyes without the help of an instrument • The planet should be visible with/to the naked eye. Main entry: ↑nakedidiom … Useful english dictionary
the naked eye — ► the naked eye vision unassisted by a telescope, microscope, or other optical instrument. Main Entry: ↑naked … English terms dictionary
the naked eye — without binoculars or field glasses We can see Mars with the naked eye. We don t need a telescope … English idioms
the naked eye — unassisted vision, without a telescope, microscope, or other device. → naked … English new terms dictionary
visible to the naked eye — phrase able to be seen without using special instruments, despite being very small or far away At night, the planet is clearly visible to the naked eye. Thesaurus: clear to the sensessynonym senses and using the senseshyponym Main entry: visible … Useful english dictionary
invisible to the naked eye — phrase too small to be seen without using something such as a microscope organisms that are completely invisible to the naked eye Thesaurus: small in sizesynonym Main entry: invisible … Useful english dictionary
with the naked eye — without binoculars or a telescope The comet cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is too small … English idioms
visible to the naked eye — able to be seen without using special instruments, despite being very small or far away At night, the planet is clearly visible to the naked eye … English dictionary
invisible to the naked eye — too small to be seen without using something such as a microscope organisms that are completely invisible to the naked eye … English dictionary