Transport and General Workers’ Union
Transport and General Workers' Union (TGWU) est un syndicat britannique qui a fusionné avec le syndicat Amicus en mai 2007 pour former le syndicat Unite, aujourd'hui le premier syndicat de Grande-Bretagne. Le TGWU est affilié à l'ITF.
Liens extérieurs
- Portail du syndicalisme
Catégories : Syndicat britannique | Syndicat des travailleurs des transports
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TGWU — TGWU, the also T&G the Transport and General Workers Union one of the largest ↑trade unions in the UK … Dictionary of contemporary English
TGWU — (in full the Transport and General Workers’ Union) one of Britain’s most important trade unions, both in size and influence. It represents several different groups of workers, including transport workers, engineers, and factory and office workers … Universalium
TGWU — abbr. (in the UK) Transport and General Workers Union. * * * abbrev Transport and General Workers Union (now part of Unite) * * * TGWU (no periods) or T.G.W.U., Transport and General Workers Union (of Great Britain) … Useful english dictionary
TGWU — abbreviation (in the UK) Transport and General Workers Union … English new terms dictionary
TGWU — abbr. Transport & General Workers Union … Dictionary of abbreviations
(the) TGWU — the TGWU [the TGWU] (in full the Transport and General Workers’ Union) one of Britain’s most important ↑trade unions, both in size and influence. It represents several different groups of workers, including transport workers, engineers, and… … Useful english dictionary
List of TGWU amalgamations — The Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) was created in 1922 from a merger of fourteen unions and continued to grow through a series of mergers, amalgamations and transfers of engagements. Member organizations of the TGWU are listed below… … Wikipedia
Transport and General Workers' Union (TGWU) — British labour union. The Dockers Union (founded 1889) took the lead in the merger of 14 unions to form the TGWU in 1922. The union grew rapidly under the leadership of Ernest Bevin (1922–40). As a general union it was able to enroll workers… … Universalium
Transport and General Workers' Union (TGWU) — Sindicato británico. En 1922, el sindicato de estibadores (fundado en 1889) encabezó la fusión de 14 sindicatos a fin de constituir el TGWU que, liderado por Ernest Bevin (1922–40), experimentó un rápido crecimiento. Dado que se trataba de un… … Enciclopedia Universal
Transport and General Workers’ Union — ➡ TGWU * * * … Universalium