- Squanto
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Squanto de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Squanto — Squantos Heimat und historische Orte (rot) Squanto (* um 1590; † 1622), auch Tisquantum genannt, war ein Patuxet Indianer. Er lebte an der Südostküste des heutigen Massachusetts, wurde als Sklave nach Spanien und später wieder nach Nordamerika… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Squanto — Tisquantum, more commonly known today as Squanto, or Big Bean (c. 1580s ndash; November 1622) was a Patuxet Native American Indian who is best known for assisting the Pilgrims after their first winter in the New World. Tisquantum s assistance to… … Wikipedia
Squanto — Representación de Squanto enseñando a los colonos a sembrar maíz (1911). Squanto o Tisquantum (c. 1580s 1622) fue un amerindio patuxet, tribu localizada en el actual territorio de Massachusetts, Estados Unidos. Los primeros datos que se conocen… … Wikipedia Español
Squanto — /skwon toh/, n. died 1622, North American Indian of the Narragansett tribe: interpreter for the Pilgrims. Also called Tisquantum. * * * died November 1622, Chatham Harbor, Plymouth Colony Pawtuxet Indian interpreter and guide. Squanto learned… … Universalium
Squanto — /skwon toh/, n. died 1622, North American Indian of the Narragansett tribe: interpreter for the Pilgrims. Also called Tisquantum. * * * Squanto [Squanto] (c. 1585–1622) a ↑Native American who helped the ↑Pilgrim Fathers to survive when they… … Useful english dictionary
Squanto (amérindien) — Squanto. Squanto (de son vrai nom Tisquantum) (c. 1580 Novembre 1622) était l un des deux indiens Wampanoag (Samoset étant l autre) qui ont aidé en 1620 les pèlerins du Mayflower, durant leur premier hivernage dans la colonie de Plymouth en… … Wikipédia en Français
Squanto Wilson — George Francis Wilson (March 29, 1889 – March 26, 1967), nicknamed Squanto, was an American catcher in Major League Baseball who participated in just six major league games. He batted .188 (3 for 16) in five games for the Detroit Tigers in 1911… … Wikipedia
Squanto — (m. nov. 1622, Chatham Harbor, colonia de Plymouth). Guía e intérprete indígena pawtuxet. Aprendió inglés después de escapar de un intento de venderlo como esclavo y unirlo a la Compañía Terranova. En la colonia de Plymouth se convirtió en… … Enciclopedia Universal
Squanto — Squan|to (?1585 1622) a Native American who helped the ↑Pilgrim Fathers, the first English people to come to America, by showing them where to hunt and fish and how to plant corn … Dictionary of contemporary English
Squanto — n. (d. 1622) English speaking Indian from the Pawtuxet tribe who befriended and aided the Pilgrims at Plymouth Plantation (U.S. History) … English contemporary dictionary