Speak of the devil
- Speak of the devil
Speak of the Devil
Cette page d’
homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Speak of the devil de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Speak of the Devil — is an idiom or phrase used in both written and spoken English. It is used when an object of discussion (normally a person) unexpectedly becomes present during the conversation. For example, if Alice and Bob start discussing Charlie while he isn t … Wikipedia
Speak of the Devil — Концертный альбом Ozzy Osbourne Дата выпуска 27 ноября, 1982 Записан 26 27 сентября … Википедия
Speak of the Devil — Álbum de Ozzy Osbourne Publicación 30 de noviembre de 1982 Género(s) Heavy metal Duración 70:16 … Wikipedia Español
speak of the devil — the person we are talking about has just arrived. Well, speak of the devil, here s Patrick now … New idioms dictionary
speak of the devil! — If you are talking about someone and they happen to walk in, you can use this idiom as a way of letting them know you were talking about them … The small dictionary of idiomes
speak of the devil — verb mention someone s name who just then appears • Hypernyms: ↑mention, ↑advert, ↑bring up, ↑cite, ↑name, ↑refer • Verb Frames: Somebody s * * * … Useful english dictionary
Speak of the Devil — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Speak of the Devil, album d Ozzy Osbourne de 1982 Speak of the Devil, album de jazz de John Abercrombie de 1993. Speak of the Devil, album de Chris Isaak… … Wikipédia en Français
speak of the devil — in. said when someone whose name has just been mentioned appears or is heard from. (A catchphrase.) □ And speak of the devil, here’s Ted now. □ Speak of the devil, that was Mary on the phone … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
speak of the devil! — If you are talking about someone and they happen to walk in, you can use this idiom as a way of letting them know you were talking about them. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** This is said to refer to a person who appears just when… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
Speak of the Devil (альбом Криса Айзека) — Speak of the Devil … Википедия