- Scrapper
Cette page d’
homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
Scrapper peut référer à :
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Scrapper de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Scrapper — is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformer universes. Scrapper is also a class in the MMORPG City of Heroes.Due to trouble Hasbro had trademarking the name Scrapper, some later toys were released under the name Buckethead,… … Wikipedia
scrapper — scrapper1 [skrap′ər] n. a person or thing that scraps scrapper2 [skrap′ər] n. Informal a ready or effective fighter … English World dictionary
scrapper — scrapper1 /skrap euhr/, n. a person who removes or does away with scraps. [1640 50; SCRAP1 + ER1] scrapper2 /skrap euhr/, n. Informal. a fighter or aggressive competitor, esp. one always ready or eager for a fight, argument, or contest: the best… … Universalium
scrapper — noun a) A person who disposes of scraps. Hes a real scrapper, even against impossible odds, he always keeps fighting. b) A person who fights doggedly, who exhibits indomitable will … Wiktionary
scrapper — A real fighter, a battler. Someone who battles hard to make her point known. She s a real scrapper … Dictionary of american slang
scrapper — A real fighter, a battler. Someone who battles hard to make her point known. She s a real scrapper … Dictionary of american slang
scrapper — Ⅰ. scrap [1] ► NOUN 1) a small piece or amount of something, especially one that is left over after the greater part has been used. 2) (scraps) bits of uneaten food left after a meal. 3) material discarded for reprocessing. ► VERB (scrapped … English terms dictionary
Scrapper (Transformers) — Scrapper est un personnage fictif de la série Transformers: Génération 1 et du film Transformers 2 : la Revanche Nom: Scrapper Affiliation: Decepticans Sous Affiliation: Constructicans Protoform: Deceptican Arme: Lance, Canon laser Tué par: Daï… … Wikipédia en Français
Scrapper Blackwell — (21 de febrero de 1903 – 7 de octubre de 1962) fue un cantante y guitarrista estadounidense de blues. Más conocido por ser uno de los integrantes del dúo de guitarra y piano que formó junto a Leroy Carr en los últimos años de la década de 1920 y… … Wikipedia Español
Scrapper Blackwell — Scrapper Blackwwell, guitariste américain de son vrai nom Francis Hillman Blackwell est né à Syracuse (Caroline du Nord) le 21 février 1903, décédé à Indianapolis le 27 octobre 1962. Biographie Installé à Indianapolis, il apprit seul à jouer de… … Wikipédia en Français