- Sawara
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Sawara de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Sawara — bezeichnet: einen historischen Landkreis in der japanischen Präfektur Fukuoka: Sawara gun (Fukuoka) einen daraus gebildeten Stadtbezirk von Fukuoka: Sawara ku (Fukuoka) eine ehemalige Stadt in der Präfektur Chiba: Sawara (Chiba) (heute: Katori… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sawara — Sawara, s. Chamaecyparis … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Sawara — The areas called Sawara in Japan are as follows.*Sawara ku, Fukuoka, (早良区), one of the seven wards of Fukuoka shi (福岡市), Fukuoka ken (福岡県), Kyūshū*Sawara, Chiba, former Sawara shi (旧佐原市), one of the cities of Chiba ken (千葉県), Kantō and is part of … Wikipedia
Sawara — Original name in latin Sawara Name in other language Sawara State code JP Continent/City Asia/Tokyo longitude 35.88333 latitude 140.5 altitude 8 Population 47199 Date 2012 01 19 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Sawara — ▪ Japan former city, Chiba ken (prefecture), Honshu, Japan, on the lower Tone River. In 2006 it merged with a number of nearby communities to form the new city of Katori. From the 17th to the early 20th century, Sawara was a commercial… … Universalium
Sawara-Scheinzypresse — (Chamaecyparis pisifera), Illustration Systematik Klasse: Coniferopsida … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sawara-ku, Fukuoka — Sawara ku (早良区, Sawara Ward) is one of the seven wards of Fukuoka shi (福岡市, Fukuoka City), Fukuoka ken (福岡県, Fukuoka Prefecture), Kyūshū, Japan.Data*Population: 210,923 people (As of February 1 2007) *Area: 95.88 square kilometers (The largest… … Wikipedia
Sawara, Chiba — Sawara (Japanese: 佐原市; shi) was a city located in Chiba, Japan, founded on March 15, 1951. In 2003, the city had an estimated population of 47,217 and a density of 393.87 persons per km². The total area was 119.88 km².On March 27, 2006, Sawara… … Wikipedia
Sawara-ku (Fukuoka) — 早良区 Sawara ku … Wikipedia Español
Sawara (Chiba) — 佐原市 Sawara Localización de Sawara en … Wikipedia Español