- Rostellum
- Le rostellum est un stigmate stérile qui sépare les étamines de la partie femelle chez les Orchidaceae.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Rostellum de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Rostellum — Ros*tel lum, n.; pl. {Rostella}. [L. See {Rostel}.] A small beaklike process or extension of some part; a small rostrum; as, the rostellum of the stigma of violets, or of the operculum of many mosses; the rostellum on the head of a tapeworm.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rostellum — [räs tel′əm] n. pl. rostella [räs tel′ə] [Modl < L, dim. of rostrum: see ROSTRUM] 1. Bot. a sterile, flaplike modified stigma that separates the anthers from the stigmas in some orchids 2. Zool. a) a small, rounded projection bearing hooks on… … English World dictionary
rostellum — n. [L. rostellum, small beak] 1. A small beak or rostrum. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) The tubular piercing and sucking mouth parts. 3. (BRACHIOPODA) Low projection between anterior muscle scars to which internal oblique muscles are attached. 4.… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Rostellum — Rostẹllum [lateinisch, eigentlich »Schnäbelchen«] das, s/...la, Botanik: Bezeichnung für das Haftorgan des Polliniums in der Orchideenblüte. * * * Ros|tẹl|lum, das; s, ...lla [lat. rostellum = Schnäbelchen, Schnäuzchen, Vkl. von: rostrum,… … Universal-Lexikon
Rostellum — Ros|tel|lum das; s, ...lla <aus lat. rostellum »Schnäbelchen, Schnäuzchen«, Verkleinerungsform von rostrum (vgl. ↑Rostra), nach dem Aussehen> als Haftorgan für die ↑Pollinien umgebildete Narbe der Orchideenblüte (Bot.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
rostellum — noun Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, diminutive of rostrum beak Date: circa 1826 a small process resembling a beak ; a diminutive rostrum: as a. an extension of the stigma of an orchid flower b. an anterior prolongation of the head of a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Rostellum — … Википедия
rostellum — /ro stel euhm/, n., pl. rostella /ro stel euh/. 1. Biol. any small, beaklike process. 2. Bot. a beaklike modification of the stigma in many orchids. 3. Zool. a. a projecting part of the scolex in certain tapeworms. b. a part of the mouth in many… … Universalium
rostellum — The anterior fixed or invertible portion of the scolex of a tapeworm, frequently provided with a row (or several rows) of hooks. [L. dim. of rostrum, a beak] armed r. r. with one or more rows of hooks. unarmed r. r. lacking hooks. * * *… … Medical dictionary
rostellum — n. beak or beaklike part … English contemporary dictionary